Tapestry tips
This is a forum area where you can share your Tapestry good practice and let everyone know how you are using Tapestry successfully in your setting.
54 topics in this forum
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Does nothing happen when you type in a password on the login page on the Tapestry App when using a Hudl 1? There is an intermittent fault on the Hudl 1 Android devices that means you sometimes cannot enter your password in the password field. The keyboard is open, and you can type, but nothing appears in the password field (you would normally see the letter you typed briefly, before it is replaced with a *). What should you do? If it happens, a workaround is to: Quit the app (press the app switching key marked with two rectangles at the bottom of the screen; swipe left over the tapestry icon; press the home key marked with a pentagon that looks a bit like a house…
Last reply by Tom, -
- 0 replies
When you log out from Tapestry no one will be able to add or edit an observation, or access anything you haven't recently had open. However, if you have accidentally left other tabs open that show the contents of a Tapestry page then people can still switch to those tabs and see what was on screen. Furthermore, on some browsers, in some situations, people can use the back button to see some of the information that you were recently looking at. The best way to prevent those two possibilities is to quit your browser after you have logged out.
Last reply by Tom, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi, I've had a staff member's child start at preschool. When setting up child it wont let me use the same email address. Is there anyway around this or does she need to give me a different email address? Thx
Last reply by BenTapestrySupport, -
- 6 replies
Dear all, Please help, we are new to using tapestry and we are still working out how to set it up. Particularly the care diary.. How do you add in a weekly or fortnightly menu on tapestry so it adds for all children automatically, is that possible? Also how do you add, change and amend the care diary through ipads on the app, as the app seems to be basic and only lets you add observations and assessment. Thanks so much in advance Shana
Last reply by JoeG, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi, how do I use the priority and celebration flags please? I cannot find a tutorial.
Last reply by BenTapestrySupport, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi I have looked at the areas of concern tutorials but it is not on my tapestry tracking tab under EYFS 2021, do I need to do an update? Any ideas welcome please? :)
Last reply by BenTapestrySupport, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi there, I have been trialling a way of tracking ready for September, I have done 1 observation a couple of weeks after a child started at Easter where I have added the age band and refinement for an initial assessment (we don't do this for every observation we do any more as it was becoming too 'tick list' like), I have now done the same for an end of term assessment update, but I can't see how to now see a comparison on the same screen of how the child has developed, using the tracking section I can only see Summer term 1 or Summer term 2. I hope that makes sense! Is there a way to see it all on one screen please? Thank you :)
Last reply by JackTapestrySupport, -
- 2 replies
Hi. Could anyone tell me how long it is that a parent receives notification of an observation? We are currently using this method as a daily write up with photos to tell parents about the child’s day. Some seem to get it straight away and others say they don’t get it till 5.00am the next day... the observations are not scheduled to go out at a specific time... I individually add each one around 4.30 the day the write up is done.
Last reply by JoeG, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
How do parents of those children who leave us to go to school keep the information they have access to on their tapestry app. Will it always be accessible even when it is removed from our system or do they need to do something their end to keep hold of all the progress made throughout their time at nursery? Thanks
Last reply by BenTapestrySupport, -
- 5 replies
Is it possible to blur/pixelate faces in photos? I have a looked after child who is not allowed to be in group photos.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128,