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In the second of her series of articles on Emotional Competence, Nicola Call discusses the development of self-awareness.
Why has ‘risk-taking’ become such a negative concept in children’s lives – or used so loosely as to defy any purpose or definition? ‘Challenging play’ and ‘adventurous play’ are considered acceptable and essential – but ‘risky play’ causes much con…
Beginning a series of six articles examining the concept of 'Emotional Competence', this article gives an overview within which the others can be understood.
Cultural capital is a term that has recently been added to the 2019 Ofsted draft inspection framework as part of the ‘Quality of Education’ judgement.  In the Early Years draft Inspection Handbook1 it states:‘Inspectors will evaluate how well lead…
Having read around the ‘Cultural Capital’ academic landscape a little I find myself struggling with what the delivery of this might look like in my setting. If I'm seeking to provide what Ofsted say children ‘need’, who gets to decide what that sho…
Taking on a new leadership role can be both an exciting and daunting prospect. As well as the extra responsibility of, for example, working more closely with parents or tracking children’s progress, relationships with colleagues can also change. Fi…
Evidence suggests that young children are not moving nearly as much as we fondly imagine – and certainly not to a degree that would properly support their overall development, health and wellbeing
Being outstanding isn’t about focusing on that word and what it means to Ofsted, in fact it is the opposite. It is about having a passion for early years, wanting to be the best you can be and utilising what tools are available to provide the best …
When should we worry about persistent behaviour issues from a well-being point of view? What should we be curious about and what can we, as teachers, do to be supportive?
Tim is a childminder who also works at FSF HQ. In this Q+A he talks to FSF Rebecca about how he came from an IT background to be an Early Years Teacher, running his own childminding setting.