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In this article Rebecca talks to Justine about the 'joint observation' and the 'leadership and management' aspects of the inspection.
With increasing numbers of children being diagnosed with special educational needs such as ADHD and autism, managing challenging behaviour in a positive way is a challenge most practitioners face in their settings on a daily basis. As practitioners…
“Only through the arts and by being creative can children explore the inner world of their imagination and feeling – the world that is uniquely them”. Sir Ken Robinson, Patron of Earlyarts.   ‘One day a grandma was a parent helper teaching in one ar…
This is the second part of our conversation with inspectors. In this part, Justine explains to us how she begins her inspections. She tells us about she uses observations and documents provided by the setting to secure her inspection judgements.
Part 1 in a series of articles detailing the inspection process as it is 'in real life'. We have input from current inspectors as well as from recently inspected practitioners and managers. We debunk some myths and put the facts out there for you to …
"Childcare is at the centre of political debate" Jenny Chapman MP shadow childcare minister   ... and quite rightly so say FSF     The 30 hours funding is a hot potato at the moment and Victoria Derbyshire discussed it at length on her BBC2 programm…
In this series of articles, we have so far looked at making sure that your premises are safe for children to use and we have considered the steps you should take to help you ensure that all of your staff are suitable to work with children.
  As manager you will most likely be the lead practitioner for Safeguarding’ however, it does not have to be you.    
These are the safeguarding documents referred to in the new safeguarding articles.
“Safeguarding is effective” In terms of your Ofsted report this is the phrase you need to have. Without it, however good your learning and development is, your setting will be judged at best ‘Requires Improvement’