33 topics in this forum
Ourselves/all About Me Planning
by Guest- 10 replies
Hello everybody I'll be beginning my second year of teaching in september in a reception class and the topic will be based around 'ourselves and 'all about me' - common themes at this time of year. Was just wondering if you can help me with some fresh ideas or if any of you could share your planning based on there themes. Thank you very much in advance. Emma x x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
- 5 replies
Hi Everybody! My topic this term is Ourselves/Autumn and I seem to have lots and lots of lovely ideas for CD, PD, KUW and PSED but am struggling with ideas for numeracy adn literacy! I am in a school setting in a reception class, nearly all of whom have attended the school's nursery so already know most of their letter sounds and numbers. As my school is private there is a strong focus on producing written work for both these subjects, as it is what the parents want to see. I do not really agree with this principle, but that is beside the point as obviously I must do what the headteacher has advised. Can anybody think of any fun activities (especially for literacy) t…
Ourselves Again!
by Guest- 4 replies
I have had a look at the Norfolk site and it is great. I have downloaded planning for toys, festivals and ourselves which are some of the things we do. At the end of each set of plans is a grid which breaks down the planning for that topic into weeks and what will be covered each week e.g toys week 1 - Teddies and soft toys, week 2 - Puppets and dolls, week 3 - Jigsaws and games. However there is no grid for ourselves. Does anyone have a plan that breaks ourselves into weeks that they could share. Thankyou
by Guest- 3 replies
We are doing Alfie's feet story at moment and thought you may like these poems I've found. If you know of any more resources let me know - thanks! Everybody every where stomp your feet! Everybody every where stomp your feet, Wave your hands in the air if you like sweets, Flap your wings like a bird that goes tweet tweet, Everybody everywhere stomp your feet! Everybody everywhere bang a drum, Everybody everywhere chew some gum, Everybody everywhere wave to mum, Everybody everywhere rub your tum. Everybody every where stomp your feet, Wave your hands in the air if you like sweets, Flap your wings like a bird …
- 5 replies
Hi, I'm unsure if someone else has posted a similar request for ideas - my attempts to search on forum posts have proved relatively unsuccesful!! I have recently qualified after a PGCE in Early Years and am currently attempting to start planning for September. I will be teaching Reception and am hoping to sort my medium term plan for our topic 'We are all special/Ourselves' - I've not received much guidance re structuring medium term plans and I have not received any previously used plans from school and would truly appreciate any help or ideas as unsure how to start. Many thanks and hope I'm not being cheeky!! Becky
Little People
by Guest- 18 replies
Just thought I would share, these little people were a great success today, playing with their 'big' owners. They behaved themselves, tidied up and joined in at circle and story time straight away. They live in the 'Preschool family box' although some insisted on going home with their parents, but promised they would come back tomorrow, because if their 'big' owner isn't in Peggy and all their friends miss playing with them Peggy p.s. If you turn me around, I hold my hand up and say "stop running" or "stop and listen" but I didn't get turned around today
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3975, -
Topic - Ourselves
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi, has anyone got any info /planning on the topic Ourselves for my 3-4 year olds Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
New Title For "ourselves"
by Guest- 18 replies
Hi everyone, I am thinking about planning for Sept with my first reception class in about 10 years!! Head teacher wants me to work closely with NQT in Yr1/2 class-like a unit. Anyway, we are going to do same topics, different skills, levels etc and different titles-she is going with "All About Me" but I would like something a bit more exciting than "Ourselves"- brain not working and can't think of anything. Any good ideas? Thanks in advance Moisy xx
Physial Focus: Ourselves
by Guest- 9 replies
hi my topic for the summer term 2 is ourselves (were trying to be organsied and think how we are going to organise each week the ideas we have are: 1. the way we look - body parts and features 2. what do our bodies need? food, sleep, exercise 3. the senses this is where it changes: 4. i can ... 5. i can ... 6. i can ... 7. i can ... in the i can bits have a running theme for the week e.g. i can ... and assess and develop one learning objective for example cutting (fine motor) etc has anyone got any comments or teaching ideas for these weeks: im an NQT and trying to make my mark on the planning team thanks gemma
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Books Linked To Ourselves
by Guest- 16 replies
Just getting my resources together for a topic on ourselves. Can anyone tell me what books they use? Owl babies seems a good one to start with. Any other ideas?