The EYE-Profile
Informal user support forum for the EYE-Profile.
106 topics in this forum
New Version Of Eprofile
by Guest- 0 replies
There is a new version of eProfile (version 2.5) now available. If you are a LA school you should check with your IT/FS support before installing this latest version of the software. Regards John Russell
- 3 replies
Hi looking back to last years response to the e-profile generated reports, the main complaint was that the parents were unsure of what was meant by: 'achieved both the Stepping Stones and Early Learning Goals items in this section' 'has achieved the Stepping Stones items in this section' Does anyone have a simple letter or description of what is meant by these statements? I was thinking of something along the lines of the average child at the end of Reception will have achieved, be working in, I know I should be able to produce something myself, but at this point in time I'm feeling a little brain dead. Please Help... Andrew
Upn Generator
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi, Has anyone tried using the UPN generator on Teachernet. I am working in an independent school and the children don't have a UPN, so I can't use the e-profile at the moment. Anyone any ideas how I can sort the problem out
Eprofile Seminars
by Guest- 2 replies
I am in the process of setting up seminars for Birmingham schools this year. Dates are: May 15, 17, 22, 24 and June 5, 7 Venues have yet to be arranged, but there will be 3 x one and a half hour sessions each day. Venues will be smaller than in previous years, hence the greater number of sessions. There will be a small charge of £50 per school to enable 2 members of staff from each school to attend. If more staff wish to attend there would be a small additional charge. The aim of each session will be to take everyone through the process of transferring pupil data from your MIS into eProfile, entering the data, producing data and reports, producing the outp…
Eprofile.....if You Are Abroad
by Guest- 7 replies
Hello I am an early years teacher in Prague. Our school does not use the Eprofile as i dont think we can. Can someone confirm this? We have made our own Foundation Stage Profile but it is sometimes difficult to assess what stregnths and weaknesses we have in our department. So is there any other foreign teachers who use the eprofile or can someone offer me an idea how it could be used abroad?????????? Thanks you Graeme
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 13 replies
Am trying to install the eprofile and whenever I open the programme, the date box is empty. Have uninstalled and reinstalled - on more than one occasion and have a printer installed. Can anyone help???
Eprofile Printer Help!
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi all Hope all is well. I wander if someone can help me. i have eprofile on my computer, someone helped me put program on last year. She also installed printer but the problem is I can't print now. How can I load printer on again. Please help. Your help will be REALLY appreciated Thanks in advance. Flowerxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Filling In The Eprofile
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi hope someone can help. We are using the eProfile for the first time this academic year and so far so good. We had half our class start in September - 15 children and for those 15 have completed a "E" for entry mark and a "AutumnA" - we are next due to add information at the end of this term - autumnB. My question is this, for the other 15 children who started on 31st October how do we complete the eprofile for them because if we give them a 'E' for entry then an 'autumnB' it might look as though they took 2 terms to progress when in actual fact it was only one term. Does this make any sense? Must go am on playground duty.
Latest Eprofile Version (2.4.4)
by Guest- 0 replies
The latest version of the software is now available for download from There is one change in this version - The CTF tag <AcademicYear> now reflects the position of pupils moving from year -1 into year 0. This is needed if schools/settings wish to import data from eprofile in CTF format. Please note that eProfile should not be used for the purpose of importing new pupil names into your MIS. If you are being supported by the LEA in using eProfile you might be better to wait for their advice to download and upgrade the software as they may prefer to issue instructions for you after testing the new…
Now A Full Member
by Guest jean- 7 replies
Hi everyone, Just realised i'm now listed as full member and not new member and now have 2 dots by my name instead of one. How cool is that!