Children’s Centres
249 topics in this forum
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
As part of my role as a Children's centre teacher the head has asked me to look at the before and after school club at the centre. It is for children aged 3-4 years old and is based in the Nursery school part of the building. These children have been at the nursery full time and they can come in at 8am for an hour before nursery and then stay until 6pm after nursery. We want ideas for how to make it different from the day that they have had already - bearing in mind they are in the same environment. We are well resourced and have lots of space but we want it to not be the same as they have had all day. Any tips ideas suggestions gratefully received?!!
- 26 replies
Hi this goes out to all involved in Children's Centres. I am starting a new job as a CC teacher in January and line manager has asked what sorts of things we would find useful in our induction What do you all feel would be useful??? Bex
Useful Magazine?
by Guest- 14 replies
Hi I have just about recovered from leaving my reception year teaching job at the end of term and my mind is now turning towards my new role in the new year as a CC teacher. I want to update my reading on all early years issues and have heard about a magazine called EARLY YEARS EDUCATOR (EYE) just wondered is anyone subscribes and is it any good?? Bex Oh my just looked at the clock!!! what a sad person I am surfing the net for work stuff at this time of night during Christmas!
Schema - Need More Info!
by Guest- 9 replies
Am hoping to run a parent group and tell them about schema so they can recognise it in their own child and know the beahviour. Can anyone recommend any good books on it? I have got the basic info from the various website that describe schemas but I would really like some more in depth information. Also if anyone else has done this with parents then any top tips would be very welcome. Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_705, -
Parent Observation Sheets
by Guest- 7 replies
Does anyone have a format for a parent observation sheet that they use? Thanks
Trainee Assessor Interview
by Guest- 2 replies
hello to you all. I have finally managed to be invited for invited for the above position. Can anybody give the heads up on the sort of questions i may be asked. What shall I wear???? What questions should I ask them??? All answers gratefully received lol. Blue
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
Big Talk
by Guest- 0 replies
I teach reception chn and the head has asked me to find out about Big Talk-the rest of the school do Big Write -can anyone give me any ideas for Big Talk /recommend any useful books/websites or articles I could read-really practical ideas would help-I would love to attend training but cant find any courses in my area. Thanks !!
by Guest- 0 replies
Hi I have an interview for a supervisor of a creche within a children's centre next week. They have said 'prepare an activity for children under 5 years. Please consider how you adapt your activity to be suitable for various abilities' Now I think this is a really difficult task as the children might be 8 months or 4 years! Generally you'd know the children and plan activities based on their current interests wouldnt you?? Could anyone help me on this one? Any advice gratefully received!! (i have come from pre-school, so not used to how creche;s run) jx
Creches Workers Anybody Out There?
by Guest- 13 replies
Hi everybody I thought I would start a strand for Creches. I am a creche manager and have been for a few months. I was Day nursery based and in schools. With the new changes be it the registration and exemptions we are putting as much of the EYFS into practice as we can. The girls that work in the creche have been there for years and were very shocked when I started to implement things that I did in nursery. Such as self selection, free flow children doing there own art work, using aprons and gloves for nappy changing etc I have had to fight to get the changes and pull thing into line with the EYFS of which my younger staff are beginning to understand the reason …
Interview And Prese Please
by Guest- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hi all Would like to pick your brains. I have an interview next Monday for Foundation consultant job in CC. I am currently a teacher in a CC in a different authority. Have been asked to do a presentation on what I see will be the three most significant challanges in relation to the EYFS. I love my job now, but it's part time, hence applying for new job, but I'm struggling to think of challenges - possibly because I love the job so much. Any ideas anyone??? Thnaks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466,