Children’s Centres
249 topics in this forum
Anybody Going On The Course 15th May In London?
by Guest budgie1- 5 replies
Hi Everyone, Have just found out that I am booked on the course "Delivering Children's Centres Priorities and lessons learnt for 2008" Course on 15th May in London and wondered if anyone else was going. This is in preperation for starting my new job at a childrens centre in September and i feel quite excited!! Hope it lasts!
- 5 replies
I am trying to put in place documentation of children's progress for children attending the stay and play sessions and creches at the centre. We want to share and involve the parents with this too. i have some ideas about it but would be grateful to hear of others ideas?
by Guest- 20 replies
Any advice for interview and letter of application for teaching job in childrens centre.
Hands On?
by Guest- 8 replies
I'm thinking of applying for a teachers post that is 0.5 teaching and o.5 outreach. My query is about the role of the teacher in CC. Are you there to 'lead' and plan or do you also get hands on teaching? Secondly have any of you crossed from Reception teaching in a primary school to CC that is not attached to a school and therefore has the younger FS chn and how did you find the change? Hope this makes sense!
- 4 replies
I've just heard on the news that the David Cameron has suggested an idea to increase the number of health visitors to support families. He said that he would reverse the current government's policy to increase outreach workers at surestart centres and use this money to fund the extra health visitors. Not sure where they would be based. I was very disappointed to hear this as I think that outreach workers are so important in enabling access to services for families who maybe would not or could not be reached otherwise. Just wondered what others think about this idea? Sally
What Involvement?
by Guest- 7 replies
Sorry all, here again with my inexperience and understanding of Children's Centres. If a CC is built on an exisiting school site (even attached to it by link corridor) to what extent does the childcare provider work with the reception class, or vice versa? Is this determined by the school? CC management? or other body LA? Is it expected that you would work together, even if 99% your children did not feed into that particular school?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7317, -
Sessional In Childrens Centre?
by Guest- 19 replies
Maybe this has been asked before - I'm sure someone will know and point me in the right direction? Is there anyone on this forum who is a registered charitable committee run pre school running sessional care from a childrens centre? Would be VERY interested to hear from you all. How does it work? Do you pay rent etc? Do you have your own policies? Who are you answerable to? Got a meeting on Friday with a little chap who is involved in the running of the local Childrens centre (one mile away) - I am a little worried about the effect on our sessional pre school when this centre is up and running, as where we rent at the moment gives little in way of flexibility - j…
Who Does The Planning?
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi -can anyone help please. Who does the curriculum planning in a C.C.? Is it solely the teacher or is it a team effort with Nursery staff? I have been to 2 different centres and have so far seen one example of each- how does it work with others out there? Thanks for any help
- 8 replies
Hi there, I am looking for advice and ideas for setting up and running stay and play groups at our children's centres. Has anyone out there got examples of planning, timetables etc and any general tips and advice? Hoping to get a reply soon - Sue
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8457, -
Enough Experience?
by Guest- 8 replies
would really appreciate some thoughts from CC teachers out there. I have 18 yrs teaching experience, but have only just this year gone into Nursery. I love it! Real teaching at last! My other experience is mainly in KS1. I have spent the last 10 yrs doing family learning, workshops, running a school toy library as my passion is for family learning and involvement. Have seen a CC teacher job advertised but don't know if I have enough FS exeperience per se. I know a lot about children and how they learn, but what do others think? Will I get an interview or am I too green? Any relies appreciated.