Children’s Centres
249 topics in this forum
Songs During Stay And Play
by Guest- 10 replies
Hi Was just wondering if anyone had any good songs that they sing with under 3's. I have lots of songs that I used to sing with my Reception class, but I think many of them are too difficult for under 3's. We are having a short singing session at the end of our stay and plays, and I want to build up a bank of songs to sing with the parents and children. At the moment we do - wind the bobbin up, nursery rhymes, some simple counting rhymes eg 1,2,3,4,5, but my brain has now given up and I can't think for the life of me the songs I used to sing with the children when I used to work in a Nursery. Any ideas gratefully received, or if there is already a list, if someone c…
- 17 replies
Hi, have just started as a family support worker and need to plan for stay & play sessions amongst others. Does anyone have any examples of planning. Do you have to do weekly, medium term etc. OFSTED are due to visit and I want to ensure that the planning is up to standard. Thanks
- 0 replies
Hi I am wondering if anyone has any experience of working in a children centre being led by 4 children? I have really enjoyed working in our centre and am fearing change! I thought if anyone had any feedback it may help. I am now going to do some research into the charity, but if you would like to get in touch then please do.
- 3 replies
Has anyone got a policy or procedures for nappy changing for staff in a creche in our children's centre? Also some guidance about what you have in your nappy changing room- storage/equipment/signs etc? Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_832, -
Planning Overview
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi everyone! I hope you could help. I am CC Practitioner since september and still getting use to this style of work as My previous experience was mainly on day care. I am helping to run a couple of sessions in my cc, which i am taking on a more 'in charge' role. I was asked to make a termly overview of my plans for the session and I wonder if you have any suggestions on how I could put this on paper. and mainly to ask you, do you do overviews? thanks
- 2 replies
Hi there. Could someone please clarify the difference between a sure start centre and a children and family centre??? I am preparing for a multi professional presentation and confused between the two!! Thank you. dottyp
Last reply by AnonyMouse_20414, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Another discussion paper (not a consultation!) from the DfE about the core purpose of Children's Centres. If you have a view on what CCs should be about, have a look here. We can discuss it here too. What do you think?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
- 4 replies
Hi - has anyone come up with a way of showing /getting data about narrowing the gap in childrens learning for children accessing activities such as stay and play/creches etc in a children's centre?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_832, -
- 0 replies
Am wondering for those of you who plan for more than one session how you're plans differ from each other? I am now planning for 5 sessions a week (all to the EYFS) 2 are playgroup, 2 are stay and play and 1 is a creche, I also run these sessions so planning time is limited, I have begun using the same base plans and just amending certian activities to those more age apropriate when required however going forward I am wondering how I am going to show planning to meet the children's intrests using this format :-(
- 11 replies
Has anyone got any ideas of how to involve children in the evalaution of your provision i.e find out what they like/ do not like about your groups? I have thought about asking children to take photos and the happy face/ sad face signs but none of these really hit the spot and give the information needed! Any suggestions much appreciated!