Childminder specific issues
427 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
I like to think I have a pretty good grasp of menu planning but the last few Thursdays' teas have left me twisty. After picking up six under eights from school at 3.30, I give those not staying for tea a snack - no problem. I then drop three back to school and pick up three over-eights from skipping club. By the time we get back it's 4.45 (tea is usually 4.30). The food then needs serving in time for some to go home at 5.15 and then I take another one to Rainbows at 5.30. I know it's doable but I need a hot meal that takes no time to put on the table and doesn't have any touching components (Several fussy eaters). I usually do bowls of plain mince or meatbal…
- 3 replies
Hi guys After working in different nurseries/pre-schools I have now decided to set up a childminding business. Am just waiting for my Ofsted visit to check out my premises & conduct suitable person interview. I have been approached by a parent to provide care for her daughter who is only 7 months but she has just started a new job working 3 days on 3 off so her chidcare requirements will change week on week. I know she also uses a local nursery and has support of her mum so I don't want to be used as 'on standby' so to speak. Can anyone offer me any advice on how to tackle this one? Was thinking of saying I would need her to commit to at least 1 day per…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_29641, -
- 2 replies
I never thought I'd be asking about this, but one of my minded children has missed out on a Nursery place at my children's school. I don't want to lose him. Maybe I should consider being assessed to provide Enhanced Provision so that I can continue caring for him. I have recently completed Children Come First Network assessment and am working towards Cert in Early Years, but never really wanted to be more than 'nice lady looking after children like I look after my own', so this idea goes against the grain for me, but it might be the right thing for this family so may be good business sense too. So, can RCMs who provide Funded Enhanced places to nursery aged …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_29641, -
Behaviour Obs
by Guest- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Help I'm trying to get all obs for a child in order making sure they all link to eyes etc question is I have had to observe behaviour on this child and am wondering if they come into the eyes obs that I do or something completely different? Or is it up to me how I do it?
Ncma Consultation On Widening Membership
by Guest lucyevans- 2 replies
The Board of trustees are going to make a decision about whether the NCMA should widen membership to nursery/preschool practitioners etc. THIS SATURDAY It's not too late to respond to the online consultation or email the NCMA with your view
Public Liability Insurance
by Guest- 4 replies
I ve been a member of NCMA for 15 years and paid my membership and public liability insurance through them.and been a keen supporter. However with ever higher costs of membership and tightening my purse strings like so many of us I ve been looking at Morton Michel insurance as a cheaper alternative . they seem pretty comparable in what you get for seem almost half the cost and I m questioning whether its still worth being an NCMA member and what I actually get for my money. I also wondered if any of you have experience of Morton Michel -are they reliable etc ? I d appreciate your thoughts Janice116
- 3 replies
Have any childminders received their letter in relation to Ofsted publishing childminder's details. It would be interesting to hear your views on this.
Fire Department
by Guest- 4 replies
Has anyone asked the fire dept to come out and do a general visit for the children (not to risk assess and install smoke alarms), if you have could you direct you phone the local fire station or is there a particular division to contact. Am asking as one of upcoming topics is people that help us, and was hoping it would be interesting for the children Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11396, -
Care To Learn
by Guest- 7 replies
I've been asked to provide a Care to Learn placement... I've not done one before and have only been given (at this stage) a brief outline of the circumstances. I've read up on the scheme on DirectGov and am just wondering if anyone has thoughts and experiences that they'd be willing to share? My Network Co-ordinator is bringing the mum-to-be to meet me tomorrow morning and I just want to be prepared. My initial reaction was "yes, please!" as who can resist a less than 6 week old baby but family and friends are urging caution - knowing how attached I'll get (probably to both Mum and baby) and I feel I need to know how others have got on. Thanks! Nona
Registration As Food Businesses
by Guest- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Registration of Childminders as food businesses in England. Please can I make you aware of the following document so that you can if you wish to do so respond? The closing date is February 6th so it’s crucial if you want your view to count that you complete the form. The Food Standards Agency (FSA) is carrying out an initial consultation in England into how food law applies to childminders who provide food on a regular basis to the children that they look after. (See link below), I was sent the information by my Childminding Network, apologies if you've already seen it. Nona
Last reply by AnonyMouse_29641,