Childminder specific issues
427 topics in this forum
by Guest- 11 replies
I need to purchase a mirror for my setting. I have a few very small ones in toys but I wanted to add to these. Has anyone got any idea's. Thank you Carol :
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Emergency Information
by Guest- 1 follower
- 2 replies
hello, does anyone know exactly what information about a minded child we can put on an emergency card to carry round with us in case of accident or emergency to either the child or childminder? thanks xx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30105, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hi all, My friend is just about to return to childminding and would like some books with activities etc in can you recommend any? All her NVQ stuff, practical ideas books, nursery world magazines etc got burnt in a fire and as I owe her a birthday present she asked me to begin her stock again. She was minding fulltime up until 3 years ago when she stopped for a variety of reasons but is now ready to begin particularly with the 2+age range any ideas would be grateful. I teach reception and have loads of academic and theory type books but she needs more practical based stuff...... Thanks in advance S
Last reply by SueFinanceManager, -
Childminders Perception On The Eyfs
by Guest deborahnixon- 6 replies
I am thinking about doing something on childminders and their perception on the EYFS for my BA research study. e.g. as it effected their work load e.g. paper work, expectation of training, support from their local authority, ect. I need to compile a questionairre/interview questions are would appreciate any suggestions. If fact any suggestions would be appreciated, i have the idea but unsure where to go with this. Hope someone can help
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1999, -
- 17 replies
hiya Im a newbie here- need some advice please on how to get started with EYFS from first day onwards ! I have four kids of my own, two at school ; one at preschool and a 2yr old. I was going to use my 2yrs to practice the obs/record keeping etc. Due an inspection in 6months and although I am looking activiel for more work thought that a practice run my apease the big 'O' lady. Have looked at various all about me stuff and 'learning journals' but dont know which to use . Some seem excessively pricey and I am still trying to get my head around what is practical to use with an already over stretched time frame - which I am sure all of you can relate to. Any advice on a…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_29873, -
- 2 replies
Hiya Ladies, cant seem to find the feedback sheet that someone posted - anyone no where it is ? I put what I think it was called in the topic description....thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_29873, -
- 6 replies
Well ladies, as you've all probably guessed from the topic title -I cant quite believe it but Ive got what I wanted !!! -Just signed contracts and if anything the hours are likely to increase and Ive gotten the hourly rate I wanted. Yippee If you scroll through my previous thread you will find a reply from me to you all thanking you for your continued help and also telling the middle part to the saga ( I know a quite a few of you have been following this) So as nona said it is worth jotting down what you want and why on paper and discussing when it suits you - if you come across any difficulties. But none of you should now after reading this little drama !! P…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_29873, -
- 1 follower
- 24 replies
Well hiya all again, in a bit of a wrangle with prospective client whom thinks that my suggest hourly rate of £4.00 is excessive. I had been charging £3.50 which he also thinks is alot . What do you ladies think ? He wants flexible hours - which I provide prone to change at last minute as they both work shift patterns Agreed a minimum hours per week on contract which isnt as yet signed because he told me he gets 80% of his childcare fees paid !!!! (he pays then the childtax lot reimburse him. ) On the back of this information and the fact the rates around here are from 3.75 - 4.50 per hour I asked for more. He sometimes drops off ten minutes before eight andon…
Policies And Proceedures
by Guest- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hi, Could anyone tell me what policies and proceedures i HAVE to have as a childminder? I know there are alot of policies that are good practice to have but i really want to know which ones i must have. The NCMA website doesn't have this information or at least i can't find it if it does. thanks x
Parent Permsisions
by Guest- 13 replies
I am updating my paperwork (oh, how thrilling) and wondered what you asked for permission for. My list so far is: to go on trips and outings to use play equipment swimming sunblock observations emergency aid photographs Do I need anything else?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762,