Childminder specific issues
427 topics in this forum
Child Protection Policy
by Guest- 4 replies
hi all, is there anyone out there that has a well written child protection policy that covers allegations made against themselves or family members? im struggling to get something together that is worded in english ! although im great in the practical side of looking after the kids, when it comes to the paperwork etc i seem to have a mental blockage.any help would be much appreciated.
Social Networking Policy
by Guest- 3 replies
recently I have been asked to make a policy for this, is this something we need see download section policys actionman Childminder_Policy_on_Soci...doc
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
Oh No
by Guest- 16 replies
AAAAAGH!!!! :rolleyes: We went fishing for tadpoles today, the student was helping the 3yr old with the net, I had a 19mth old kneeling next to me and next to her was another 3yr old. As the three yr old stood up to move she lost her balance and steadied herself by putting her hand on the 19mth old who was pushed head first into the pond and scooped out immediately by me. :unsure: The trip is risk assessed, i've been doing it for years and am extremely vigilant. I've filled in my incident book and have told the parents - a bit upset, as you would be - and I feel beside myself. As far as assessing risks go, do i now assess that this is too risky, or that the ri…
Childminding Accounts
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi, I wonder if any one can help, I was recently browsing the sure start web site and came across a useful guide to running your own business for childminders and doing our own accounts., having been a childminder for 6yrs I was fairly confident that what I was doing what I thought was correct. As well as the normal allowances, gas, electric , equipment and so forth, I was surprised that it was advising that you put down as outgoings was an allowance for a weekly wage. The figure being suggested was £150 per week. Do other childminders do this? I feel that I may have missed out on a large figure that I could have claimed tax relief on . Look forward to y…
Parachute Games
by Guest- 11 replies
Hi Sorry I wasn't sure where to put this but as I'm a childmidner, thought I'd put it there! I am currently studying for the NVQ3 in CCLD and I have my assessor coming monday to observe a physical activity! I'm really struggling what to do because all i have come up with is target practice with balls, running, balancing etc. I'd really like to do parachute games and have just sent my hubby out to buy one however I am looking for inspirtation of what to do with it so thought I'd pick everyone's brains on here as well as googling it! The sticking point I have is that I am a childminder so there will only be me, and 3 children aged between 3 1/2 and 5 1/2…
Im New And Need Some Advice!
by Guest poppysue- 8 replies
hi all, im lisa and have only jsut signed up a few weeks ago. i need to ask a few bits, one is how do you work out hol pay, i have a baby starting next week( my first!!) and will only have him in school time so how do i charge this one? also when we have finished lunch/dinner and time to clean up i would then put which are my own kids in the other room to clean up. is this ok with c/minded children? still finding my feet! many thanks lisa x
by Guest- 1 reply
anyone else comiIng in chat tonight wait there's all 2 of US LOL!!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
I've Had My Inspection!
by Guest- 14 replies
Don't worry if you have an inspection due, they are not as bad as you might think!! The inspector was lovely and generally interested in the children. She wanted to see how I delivered the EYFS, checked observations, assessments and planning. Also made sure I had done the required risk assessments. She asked about inclusive practice and what that meant to me. All in all it was a very positive experience, they are certainly not as 'picky' as they used to be !!! Diane
- 9 replies
Hi there haven't posted for a while, usually post on the other sub forums in here, I wonder if you people in here could help me. I'm expecting my first child in 6 weeks and will be looking to return to work after christmas, I haven't yet thought of what hours I will do or anything but one thing I do know is that I want to use a childminder. So, Should I start looking now? where do I start? what should I look for? what questions should I ask? what would I be paying per hour on average? Sorry for all the questions but I really don't know where to start and people I talk to on baby forums have said they have already booked their child into nursery and…
by Guest poppysue- 3 replies
hi all, i know i sould know this and have asked ofsted but spoke to other c/minder and now not sure! i have ratio for 4 childern and it say's only 2 can be under 5, do i count my little one in this number?as have been offerd a job and already have my lo 14m and a baby 10m so is that it for my under 5. so any help please!! many thanks lisa x