Childminder specific issues
427 topics in this forum
Eyfs Requirements
by Guest- 4 replies
ok so im a childminder and i take the children out every day BUT!!!!! NOW I HAVE TO DO A RISK ASSESSMENT ON ; EVERY OUTING? HELP!!!! I take the children to lots of different venues, drop ins zoo indoor ball parks (3 different places) library park ( about 5 different ones) shops hundreds! other childminders settings and friends children's parties omg the list goes on how am i do do risk ass, on every place i go? and can i not go if i dont have a risk ass in place? another thing what format should i use to record my risk ass. on outings? oh dear any help very welcome thanks andrea
by Guest- 12 replies
HI EVERYONE i am a RCM ... i have been doing this job now for 7 years... and when i 1st started you got in touch with your county council... to register... the fire brigrade came out to visit you and so did county council... and you had to do your 1st aid in the 1st 6 months of registering... and that was all we go.. if it wasnt for friends i wouldnt have know about registering as a small business and with the tax man...and about the grants that had just become available at the time... we had no where to turn to and no one to help really... All that has change now... i have done loads of training and go to as many meetings as i can and i am part of a accredited network…
Free Envq Ccld Levels 2 And 3
by Guest- 1 reply
If there are any childminders out there who would like the opportunity to complete their NVQ 2/3 in Childrens Care Learning and Development please just get in touch with me. IT IS FREE- no catch. No college to attend the assessor will visit you at a convenient time.All we ask you do not have a degree as we cannot get the government funding. I can put you in touch with my students if you wish to discuss. I can put you in touch with someone in your area. Either PM me or post here.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1469, -
Childcare Registers
by Guest- 4 replies
I have just been speaking to Ofsted about the different childcare registers. Currently I look after children from the ages of 1 to 15 so I will need to go on all three registers. I was told the price for this would be £25 inclusive which isn't as bad as I had expected.
- 3 replies
Does anyone have clarification regarding the administering of Calpol with parental permission? the guidance states on page 26 that settings should only accept medicines prescribed by a doctor. Does this mean no more calpol for teething babies??
Special Needs ?
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi folks, wondered if anyone can help me with this? I started looking after a litle girl about 6 weeks ago who was 3 in June, and I am concerned that her development is not at all on track. I am not sure how long I should leave it until I raise this with her parents..... I have observed the following.. Instead of joining in and playing with other children both older and younger than her, she mimics them, what they say, how they say it etc. She is often seems in her own world , when all the children are doing an activity she will wander around aimlessly She cannot draw a circle She doesn't recall events easily, and repeats the same question over and…
Story Sacks Questionnaire
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi A couple of weeks ago I posted a questionnaire for help with my research, initially I put it in word 2007 so people couldn't read it, and although quite a large number of people have viewed it I have only had one reply. Please could anybody from childminders, play group, pre-school, nursery or reception classes complete the questionnaire, even if they do not use story sacks as this is part of my research to find out, I need at least twenty to make it quantifiable. If you are able please help, it is only very short. Many thanks Deb questionnaire_to_professionals_Research_Project__2003_word_.doc
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Polish Translation
by Guest cathy m- 2 replies
Hi I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction, I had a call from a childminder today who has taken on a Polish family and is looking for help to translate her policies. I think the parents have a little English but not enough to be able to read Thanks in advance to anyone who can help Cathy
New Are You Ready For Your Inspection Sept 2008
by Guest lucyevans- 9 replies
- 3.7k views On page 27 it says " A risk assessment must be carried out for each specific outing with the children." :-( I thought they'd changed this with the May revisions? Lucy
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Letters And Sounds
by Guest peekleeds- 14 replies
Hi just wanted to know if any childminders have received the letters and sounds document. I asked my development officer (Leicestershire) about them and she told me it was unlikely that childminders in our area would be given them. I have managed to download parts of it from official site but I think it is really unfair that we as childminders are expected to deliver eyfs to the same standard as full day care settings but are treated as second class citizens. rant over !