Childminder specific issues
427 topics in this forum
- 13 replies
Hi there !! I am new to this site and this is my first posting so bear with me !!! I have been childminding for 4 months and have no formal child care experience (apart from my two little girls that is) , have completed my icp course and passed so lets just say I am finding my feet !! Since I started I have been looking after a 3 year old girl who has always been extremely tactile and affectionate toward me and any other adult that she meets, to the point where it can be a bit uncomfortable . This isn't inappropriate touching, just lots of hugging, hand grabbing, sitting on knees, climbing all over you kind of thing ! Other people I have been with have commented on this…
Past And Present
by Guest- 7 replies
hi all! has anyone any ideas on a 'past and present' theme? hope everyone has a great xmas!
A Few Questions
by Guest- 12 replies
i think i have worked out how to do it im a chart thing up like the bttm with the development matters at the left handside then a space for to put the number of each obseavtion in at the right hand side like i have put for Personal Social and Emotional Development - Dispositions and Attitudes each stage starting with birth to 11months etc and each devemplent matters statment for each age groip etc ... so like i would do an obseavtion on a child link it up to there age and se wherei t matchs up and do the next step to support them in that area that the obseavtion came under etc But at the end of the week or month should i do an evuation sheet to say…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Cheshire Not Re-subscribing
by Guest- 17 replies
Just had an email to say Cheshire won't pay for subscriptions this year Since I have a blanket policy of the children not spending money on anything to do with internet chat or games, I have to abide by this myself. So when mine runs out I'll have to go! Really feel quite sad as I have got so much good information from this forum - and hope I have contributed in return Wonder how long I've got left.... Sarahx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 1 reply
hi everyone... Are there any childminding development Workers on the forum?? I've got an interview for this post and would like to know what it REALLY involves. Obviously I've got the job spec but sometimes the reality can be different. hope to hear fom you soon!! x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
- 4 replies
I was asking my mindies some questions i'd found on the Ofsted site to see what it was like for them at my setting.... It was all going really well with comments such as 'I like the games especially the one with animals' and 'I liked it when we went to see the dinosaurs' - much better than the expected 'don't know' and 'can't remember' that I'm sure my daughter would have given! Then we got to rules, what are the rules and what happens if you break them. This was very interesting as they came up with their own like 'don't throw your food out of the window' ??? True but quite random! They did also come up with 'be kind to each other' 'share the toys' etc which I was glad a…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8471, -
'day And Night'
by Guest- 5 replies
hi to all childminders! thinking about doing a 'day and night' topic in autumn term anyone got any ideas? got ideas like moon and sun, any other ideas would be great! hope you are all enjoying the summer hols!
Childminders And New Curricumlum
by Guest- 4 replies
HI It is time we activiated this notice area again. Are you a childminder and on this site - have you seen the new consultation document for the Early years foundation stage - this will effect every childminder - what do you think? Ratios change? We all need to plan for under fives? How will it effect us? Lets start talking.....
by Guest- 1 follower
- 21 replies
I was wondering if you get your parents to sign your register every week? I haven't been doing it but was told by my network co-ordinator that we MUST do it cos Ofsted can mark us down if it's not signed. I just dispair at the amount of paperwork already and things we have to have on display at all times (eg Ofsted's poster). My home is looking more and more like a nursery and I'm beginning to resent it!
by Guest- 7 replies
I have approached a training provider with a view to taking on a modern apprentice to help me with my childminding service. I am very excited about the prospect of having a willing assistant and also of helping to train someone well. I am however new to the whole employing somebody thing, and could do with some wise tips from those who have been there, done that, and got the t-shirt. I'm sure there must be a whole heap of pitfalls. I can offer 17.5 hrs per week and am willing to pay a training rate of £3.30/hr for a 16/17 yr old. Does this sound fair and would I need to provide mealbreaks - paid or unpaid? I certainly don't get any breaks in the day myself but I expect…