Training and Professional Development
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332 topics in this forum
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I am trying to find a format for recording our workforce development plan (We have a very long winded one at mo! One of govs inititives that petered outwith gov cuts! and wonder how others record this and is so what they put in it? For eg. trainingidentified and needed,delivered. Also I seem to have lost my search box on the site??? Many thanks in advance Andrea
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2846, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Are you interested in developing your practice in Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability? We have a great new programme that might be of interest to your setting. At the University of Derby we have been busy working on a new programme: A Foundation Degree in SEND. This course will help to further develop you as a confident, knowledgeable and effective practitioner to work in services and provision for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities and their families. It places emphasis on the knowledge and skills you will need to work effectively to support this group of children and young people and their families in…
Last reply by SueFinanceManager, -
- 13 replies
Hi Everyone and Happy New Year ! I am undertaking research to complete the final Honours section of my degree in Early Years Leadership, and would be grateful to gather your views and opinions on quality in the Early Years built environment, with particular emphasis on the pros and cons of 'Pack Away' provision. I am aware of many 'Outstanding' Pack Away settings, and the dedication and hard work many within the Early Years workforce commit in order to achieve this. As such, part of this enquiry seeks to establish the main factors that contribute to this quality status, whilst considering whether overcoming any barriers to achieve this high quality is sustainab…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
New Level 5 qualification
by Guest sn0wdr0p- 1 follower
- 12 replies
I think we are all in a state of limbo at the moment following recent reviews of qualification.. I have a degree in an unrelated subject and level 4 in childcare and intended to do my EYPS last year but after reading the Nutbrown review decided to wait and see what happens. The EYT is an option but as owner and manager of my setting I wanted to take a qualification more tailored to my needs and employ an EYT for working directly with the children. (I do spend a lot of time working with the children but am often pulled away by other responsibilities) but would have to undertake my maths and science GCSEs - they were O levels in my day. The existing level 5 City and Guilds …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13370, -
DfE funding announcement
by Guest- 0 replies
Two hundred early years apprentices will benefit from an increased bursary of £3,000 (up from £1,500), with a further £300 available for training and study as part of the drive to attract high quality candidates to the profession. To be eligible for this funding, applicants need to secure an apprenticeship position in a nursery, school nursery, or children's centre that delivers the early learning places for two-year olds and hold at least a GCSE, at Grade C or above, in English and Maths. Elizabeth Truss, Childcare and Education Minister, said: 'I hope the increased bursaries announced today encourage more talented people to start a career in early education, whi…
by Guest- 8 replies
Hello all you lovely people :rolleyes:, I am currently undertaking the 'integrated working with children and Families BA {Hons} Top Up Degree. I have been asked to produce a 500 word count formative assessment about 'the role of research on my professional development' this must be reflective and include views on the benefits of research, possible barriers, and ways of improving the quality of practice.... If anyone has done anything similar or could point me in some direction of websites/books etc, I would be very grateful! Thank you for taking the time to read this post :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
- 1 reply
Hello all I am looking for some inhouse training on CofEL/ documentation or Guy Claxton's Building Learning Power. Has anyone got any ideas who to book or can you recommend someone who can help? thank you apple
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
- 3 replies
Hi all, I start the course this month! Very nervous! Has anyone done this course? Is it similar to BA Early childhood studies? Would really appreciate thoughts...:-) Thank you
Tribal training
by Guest- 7 replies
Just wondering if anyone has done the Tribal training for inspectors? I'm sure I read something about it on the forum - asking for a colleague who has training in a couple of weeks - she is terrified!
New Early Years Educator
by Guest- 1 follower
- 4 replies
6 hours ago Elizabeth Truss published her document on the New Early Years Educator and the criteria that will be required to work with early years ratios. Does anyone know if current level threes will have to retrain to meet this new criteria? I have staff that are due to finish the latest level Three in December 2013 and they are going to be distraught if their new qualification is not good enough. Help!
Last reply by SueFinanceManager,