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332 topics in this forum
Degree Advice Needed...
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi, I've completed the first year of my FD but was unable to continue due to my husband's redundancy. I contacted OU who advised me to use the 120 Level 1 CAT points towards an open degree and to choose a curriculum subject as this would boost my chances of eventually getting on a PGCE course. I am quite interested in the English courses but am still not sure if I would be better off trying to get their degree in Childhood and Youth Studies as it is more relevant to my current work (also teach underpinning knowledge for NVQ CCLD at local college). The English degree would be fantastic for teaching options as it would mean I could either go into primary or secondar…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Foundation Degree
by Guest- 17 replies
Hi all can you give me an honest answer please What is involved in doing the Early Years Foundation Degree? I run my own pre-school, but worry i might not manage the work load of both work and study. People say you will be fine as long as you are organised, thats the trouble, i'm a 'leave it to the last minute' sort of person suppose i could be strict with myself Any chance someone could give me a rough idea of the modules and what they are about etc Cheers Jo
Music Support In The North East
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi Just to let teachers/EYP/Support Staff in the North East that this event is organised termly: Early Years Music Making Network Facilitator: Various Venue: The Sage Gateshead Regularity: Termly Time: Full day approx. 9.30am - 4pm Cost: £20 per person This network is for early years practitioners and musicians using music in their work with children aged 0 - 5yrs of age. The network meets for a day once a term providing networking and training opportunities. A day of networking, trouble shooting, skills sharing and practical music and movement workshops for early years practitioners and musicians. Steph Brandon, La…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
- 10 replies
Help I don't know which way to turn? I have been looking into an alternative to the foundation degree but don't know which way to turn? Option 1 NVQ 4 Children's Learning and Development - not a room leader or above yet. Option 2 BETEC HNC/HND Advanced Practice in Working with Children and Families - courses at local colleges but need to be quick about it. Option 3 Certificate in Early Years Practice with the OU next Feb - long time to wait. Option 4 Do no further training, try to find a job at a senior level and wait until next year with Huddersfield University. I need to make my desion quick as I have only til next friday to decide on which way to go as …
Ma Early Years
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi, Has anyone completed this? I'm about to start it next month!
- 6 replies
Today I rang the Oen University to register and interest with them for enrolling on the EYP course and they hadn't heard of it??? Is there anyone out there who is thinking of starting this course and if so how can you enrole. Inthe NW magazine it said that the OU would be one of the agencies running this course?
Nqt Completion
by Guest- 2 replies
I have recently completed my SCITT course and began work in a non maintained nursery as their early years teacher. My local authority have decided that i am not allowed to complete my NQT because it is a non maintained setting. Has anyone out there managed to complete there NQT through a non maintained nursery. Please write back. Gemma
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
Compost In The Sand Tray
by Guest- 12 replies
HI, Our current topic is GROWING and I want to put 'childfriendly' compost in our sand tray with trowels, pots and beans for the children to role play with. Has anyone used any particular compost with children or do you think I would be ok with any type as long as the children wear gardening gloves? I'm thinking of allergies.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Ppa Time
by Guest- 2 replies
Just being nosey really and wondered how other teachers spend their PPA time. I seem to spend most of mine planning and making resources but not so much on the assessment bit -I get 'kicked out' of class when I think I could be doing observations for the profile, well told to take the time out of class anyway. I end up trying to remember my observations or write them up after the event when I think I'd be better doing them at the time. Also there is nobody extra to cover my PPA time, I work in a FSU and the nursery teacher and I cover each other but this means my Reception children can't really do the activities I planned properly.
Transformation Fund
by Guest- 11 replies
I have been told today via Early Years that the money available through the Transformation Fund is only going to Full Day Care settings. Yet again, as a sessional pre -school we will miss the boat and a two tiered system becomes more and more apparent. Has anyone else had this news or is it likely to be a local issue? I am off to look at the DFES website for more info.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1490,