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332 topics in this forum
C11 Nvq3
by Guest- 0 replies
Can anyone give me some ideas on this please: How to converse with children in ways which challenge stereotyping and discrimination. The importance of the ways in which representation in books, stories and rhymes can reinforce or counteract stereotypes based on gender, racial origin, cultural and religous groups and disabilties. I would be grateful if anyone can give me a few suggestions Thanks Juney
C2 Nvq 3
by Guest- 6 replies
can any one help think read too many books feel very confused with this cultural and religious varations and dietry practices i under stand a jewish person will not eat pork thanks ann
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
- 7 replies
One of my members of staff is doing unit C15 When she came in this morning she showed me her papers and one of the questions was - How do your routines and activities help children become aware of their bodies and how good and bad touching, good and bad secrets are explained for their age group? (2-5) We talk about our bodies generally if the subject comes up and in topics such as OURSELVES, so they are aware of their bodies. We don't actually discuss good and bad touching. Does anyone - and if you do how do you approach it? Sue J
by Guest- 5 replies
Can anybody help me on this as I have read and re read and it doesn't seem to sink in:- communication techniques which encourage children to communicate freely, including the role of positive feedback, encouragement and non-verbal behaviour as a means of communication and of facilatating and regulating verbal interaction. Thanks Juney
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
C2 Ke 2,5,11,8,12
by Guest- 2 replies
can any one help wiht lay out advice first assignment not sur e what they want started with making booklet importance balanced diet menu examples thanks ann
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
- 2 replies
For those of you who aren't aware of it I thought it would be useful to link to the consultation currently being undertaken by the DfES on provision of care and education for children. A significant part of it discusses and asks for feedback on Early Years care, (Chapter 3) including the issue of low salary rates for nursery practitioners and childminders (excluding qualified teachers). You can find the consultation document here and documents are provided for giving your response and input here.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
by Guest- 8 replies
Iam due to start a dissertation soon, I have until september to complete it. I have absolutely no idea on what to do it on!!!!! It obviously has to have something to do with childcare and education. Can anyone give me inspiration? Please!!!!!! Thanks
"early Years" Teacher
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi the EYCPD (not sure - I mean Early Years council people) are saying they want all teachers working in nurseries preschools etc in our area to have ' a recognised early years teaching qualification'. I have a PGCE which is not called Early years it is Lower Primary ... 'specialising in 5-8 yr olds' although we did study the Found stage..... do you think this will count? I have worked in a nursery for over 2 yrs now and am doing a modular course towards an MA at same teacher training college...apparently I can get a PG Cert Prof studies in Early years & Childhood this may count as Early Years Qual.... which is all good and well in terms of funding as DFES fund mo…
Last reply by Helen, -
- 1 reply
There have been a number of requests for interview help recently, so we've just published an article with advice on techniques and preparation! Applying For a Job in Early Years? Interview Preparation Comments and discussion invited!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Ranting Again
by Guest- 14 replies
Ok Folks and I apologise for this at a time of year meant to be Ho, Ho, Ho etc BUT.... Having just applied for UPS3, I haven't got it. I don't really mind, the extra cash would have been nice, but hey - ho. No what I'm absolutely seething about are some of the reasons given and phrasing on the feedback form 'some questions over teamwork in the Primary Department 2003-4 now resolved and improved upon' My Head said that this was finished and a line drawn under it over a year ago, Improvrments in teaching environment in My class not necessarily sustained. To this I take great exception as I have been trying to improve it as a learning environment this term and it is…