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332 topics in this forum
Graduate Leader Funding
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi, Not sure where to ask this so i thought i'd try here but if there's a better place please tell me. I have just started my foundation degree thanks to money from the GLF but I am quite unhappy in my job and am considering leaving, i am wondering if anyone knows where i would stand with the money from my GLF? one of the pre-requisites was that you must live and work in the brough so if i get a new job in the brough will they just transfer the money over? i am assuming my current workplace would have to pay back what i havn't used? but they also get a bonus of 2k so i am confused as to whether it will make it hard to change jobs. The lady from the LA is on holiday so I…
Dissertation Help
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi everyone, I am having a few issues with thinking about my research for my dissertation have been going around in circles for the last week or so and can not make up my mind!!! I am thinking about transition to year 1 as I have moved up with our year one pupils and have followed the transition so far with them and it is an area that i am interested in developing. I feel we are very lucky this year to have a huge outdoor space outside our mobile classroom that pupils are able to have daily access to be this some free choosing or group working out here. At present it is only a grass area, a canopy is arriving soon and I plan to develop it more as part of m…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6361, -
Eyfs Quiz
by Guest- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Does anyone have a fun EYFS quiz for an inset activity? thanks!
Unit 3
by Guest- 1 reply
can anyone assist me with this question, how to provide an environment to promote the emotional security of babies?
- 13 replies
What a great day - I have passed the external assignment for the DPP!! Does anyone know how long the certificate will take to come through? When am I officially a level 3? Good luck to everyone else who is waiting for their results - its a nerve racking time
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8623, -
Help With Dpp Core Unit 3
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi there , Is there anyone here who has done the DPP Core Unit 3 and can help me with advice as to : Providing an environment to promote the emotional security of babies Working in partnership with parents Working as an effective team in a pre-school setting I missed a pass by one mark ( gutted got c,b,a in the other 3 and didnt in a million years expect a refer - silly silly me ... ) so any tips on what you may have put that I missed would be great ! Many many thanks if anyone can help. Claire
- 24 replies
I see from the OU site that E215 results are out so just to say I am thinking of all forum members for whom today is quite a day. For those who don't know E215 is the final OU course for the foundation degree. I know from past experience the waiting for results feeling and the constant clicking on the OU site to see if they 'are in' So fingers crossed for you all that you get what you are hoping for
E215 Eca I Have To Resubmit!
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi all, just found out i have to resubmit my ECA, not sure what i didnt do well on, but is there any one thay can help me with this? My uncle had cancer, i took on a new job as pre school supervisor, had ofsted and juggling all this I had to finish off my studies. Now i have failed, has cost me my place at uni to finish off my degree, and my eyps placement. I cant actually describe how gutted I am. Is there any way someone could send me their assignment by any chance just so that I can see what I have to write etc. I have no idea and cant afford to waste another year, doing it all over again. I really need some help with this. Thanks guys x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1999, -
I Am A Ou Student
by Guest- 5 replies
hi All!! I was so happy to c that there are so many OU students? Guys i m confused .I m doing U212 (this is my 1st course).Could u tell me how will u prepare to write tma? i know we r not allow to copy the texts but how will u write ? Doing full time and looking after family. have the spirit,Love job , love to study ,love family i want to do everything............. Any comments welcome Thanks
Ou Files
by Guest- 2 replies
Just wondering what does everyone do with their old OU course materials? I have studied E123, E124 and E115 currently studying E243 and E230 - I have soooooooo many of the large OU ring binder course materials, and could do with the space! I know that E123 and 124 has since been replaced - is it worth keeping the files or do students usually get rid of them once they have completed and passed the courses?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_20748,