Observation, Assessment and Planning
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Help - Updated Eyfs Training.....?
by Guest- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hi, I know this is the right place to ask and I hope someone can help... I'm having aweful troubles finding some training for the new EYFS, I have been reading online to update my knowledge but have been un-successfull in getting onto any training. I've even heard that there are only briefings going on at the moment and the proper training isn't until September... I applied to go on one briefing but the course was full and now I can't find an alternative. Im in Cornwall and am willing to travel a bit as I feel it is really important to be ready for the new term in September. If anyone can help with any information, please, please can you message me. Many Than…
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
We are pulling our hair out- we've all lost the plot and on Summer term overload- and everyone knows how that feels dont you! Our routine seems like organised chaos can anyone share there as we seem to have lost sight of what we are doing! thanks
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
I am trying to work out ideas for tracking progress and create sheets and I was wondering what other people have come up with that could give me inspiration. I need to relay the information from the meetings I have been to and trying to get organised! Any help would be appreciated. in away I like that we the profiles are to be used as a reference as it means we are not focusing on getting the children to do certain things.
Last reply by SueFinanceManager, -
Olympic Role Play Ideas
by Guest nictay- 6 replies
Hi, Looking for inspiration for a role play area linked to the olympics..... Having an olympic events running throughout the setting for the children to take part in. Role play is the one area that I'd like to involve but really stuck on ideas!! Thanks in advance!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19802, -
Leavers Reports
by Guest- 1 follower
- 18 replies
Im new to this forum, having just signed up tonight, and not sure I am posting this is the right section, so apologies if I am not. We have been having many discussions at work, in our Pre School, about leavers reports. We have always done them, split into the 6 learning areas, but basically just repeat what the development matters sheets and learning journeys say, so it has been questioned if we need them. I guess Im on here asking if any other setting does them, and if so, how? Many thanks
New Ilp
by Guest- 4 replies
I'm playing around with the format for an new ILP and would like some feed back if anyone can help??? This would be an ilp for under 3's. I've based it on the circle in the development matters booklet. Small circle for 'unique child' name - and interests Middle circle would have a target for each of the 3 learning areas (page number of linking obs would be written next to target outer circle would be suggested activities or opportunities to link these together atm, we do an ilp for each child each month as long as they have hit target, but I feel this doesn't give children much time and often staff set easy targets that they know they can do alread…
2 Year Progress Checks
by Guest- 1 follower
- 1 reply
With the revised EYFS we are now to do progress checks at the age of 2, to share at child's appointment for their 2 year health check. What are everyone's thoughts, plans, templates etc? Would like to discuss, bounce some ideas around?
Last reply by Helen, -
Next Steps
by Guest- 10 replies
Seeing as i got such a great response to my last question, I thought I'd post again about another current issue at work, and see how others do it..... This time it's next steps under fire. We currently do them termly, so 3 a year, and they are quite in depth. It spans over 2 A4 pages, with the following headings, all about me, which is a third of A4, aims (what the next steps are), strategies (how the next steps will be worked on ) and how these strategies will be met (they are long to write, boring to look at and take a long time to write and read). It's almost repetitive as well. The girls dread doing them as they take a long time, so am just wondering how of…
Community Playthings Revised Eyfs & Play Guide
by Guest lucyevans- 11 replies
http://www.communityplaythings.co.uk/resources/booklets/play-EYFS.html Guide showing how different types of play link to the revised EYFS. Should be useful for continuous provision plans.
- 25 replies
Hi I know many of you have downloaded my other copy of developmen matters - I have attached another version - which is a smaller font etc reducing it to about 16 pages or 8 if printed double sided. HTH Kirsty Development matters statements.doc
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7120,