Observation, Assessment and Planning
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- 3 replies
Hi Can anyone help me- I am trying to prepare a 'tip/ prompt' sheet for observtions to help parents (and staff new to obseravtion) know what they are looking for/ ideas of what to record when observing their children. These observations will then go intot he child's learning journals. I have searched everywhere on this fabulous site but cannot find anything- I am sure there must be something out there. Any help greatly recieved!
- 2 replies
Hi all We currently have an initial assessment that we do when children join us. It covers something in almost every area of development although I notice not K & U. With the new EYFS and the new focus on three prime areas was looking at whether to stick or change to something focusing on these three areas and the three learning principles. Just really throwing it out wondering if anyone else does anything like this assessment now and whether you are changing?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_31752, -
- 11 replies
Hi all, I just wanted to get your opinions about my planning. I work in a 78 part time school based nursery. Do you think this planning is okay? I would welcome any replies 'nice' or 'not so nice'. Thanks everyone :rolleyes: (I hope I've attached them correctly!!) Foundation Stage at a glance.docWeekly Foundation stage planningFoundation Phase ONE TO USE.doc
Last reply by AnonyMouse_41501, -
New Learning Journals
by Guest- 25 replies
Hi all Currently we use learning journals that are provided by our LEA (not as a word doc or anything useful like that) but as a photocopy! We have to then photocopy this for each child (about 50 pages!). Anyway my supervisor asked our PVI teacher when we can expect new ones. They are considering whether to do them!!! So thinking this means alot of work to something similar if they dont do one. If they could provide a word doc at least wecould try and amend it ourselves. It never fails to surprise me the differing levels of suppoort offered by different LEAs.Anyone else been told something similar?
Last reply by Steve, -
- 4 replies
Hi Everyone I thought I would start getting the learning journals ready for September using our exisiting format but updating for the new EYFS. Currently, in our setting each child has a folder with the development matters statements, which the staff tick off / date and write a relating comment / photo/ narrative. But......at the bottom of each page in the new EYFS it says ' they should not be used as a checklist' Do think we would be wrong to do the same again? The current system has been working for us over the past year well, the staff have got to know the statements well,parents can see what we are talking about and each child has a folder filled wi…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_35577, -
Queen's Knickers Story Sack...?
by Guest- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Help! :blink: Hi all, I'm hoping for your fantastic ideas & advice once again.... On Friday we are having a street party with parents and children, we are also holding a story sack work shop to make resources for the story "The Queen's Knickers" We have a few ideas, but I was hoping that you fabulous people could contribute a few more... So far we are going to decorate a pair of real knickers each, make a crown, and a puppet of the queen (using wooden spoons!) But struggling to think of anything else... We've had workshops in the past, but these have been run by our local children's center... Thanks for any ideas... Debs x :rolleyes:
- 8 replies
Hi all, I was just wondering if there are any practitioners who work in a school based nursery that have topic/themes already planned for a set amount of time e.g. 2 weeks. A setting I visited did this and it seemed to work really well and there is still plenty of room for child led activites through the continuous provision as the children can choose the resources for themselves etc... I was having a discussion about this with someone who works in a private nursery and they said that OFSTED told them not to have adult led topics/themes. Do you think it depends on the inspector? What do you all think? Is it wrong to have topics/themes in nursery?!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_41501, -
- 8 replies
by Guest- 2 replies
I work at a special school does anyone have a copy of the pathways documents.
Anti Jubilee Parents 1 2
by Guest- 2 followers
- 35 replies
This morning I have had a discussion with a parent who wished to inform me that her child was, under no circumstances, to access any activities where she might be exposed to union jack flag waving or national anthem singing. It was against her religion to participate in national ceremonies or to promote national pride. I explained that we would be doing all of those things as we were expected to deliver a curriculum which explored the wider world and our joining in with jubilee celebrations was no different to exploring brazilian carnivals, tasting greek food or listening ot french music ( all which her child joined in with) and that it was important for her daughter to…