Observation, Assessment and Planning
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- 1 reply
Hi The feedback i receive from my recent post about keypersons next steps highlighted to me that our daily routine needs looking at- you guys are right if too much is planned it will restirct and reduce child iniated play. have a few questions Can anyone share copy of their nursery (full daycare) routine? Do you plan a whole group activity each day with learning intentions? (as we re finding if we are playing with the children trying to cover next steps, having story and singing time how do we have enough time/staff for a focus activity (whole group) Thanks
Reviewing Our Planning
by Guest- 11 replies
Our continues provision planning sheet consists of all the areas e.g. mark making, construction etc and then split into the days of the week. but throughout the session the children have access to all the different equipment through the use of trolleys with the different area of toys in. so I don’t understand why we are spending a lot of time in our planning session writing down what toys/equipment to put out in what area, as the children come in and get whatever toys out they want to play with anyway. I was wondering if we could change the continus provision to a list of what toys we have and what area of development they provide to the children and then update it when w…
- 1 reply
Hi all quick fire round ... can anyone give me some key characteristics of what outstanding differentiation is? (I have all the usual by outcome/ resources/support etc) but just wanted some sound bites on the key characteristics for a presentation
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19802, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Does anyone in a pre school setting use a tracking software called 'Target Tracker' ? if so, how have you found it ? it seems alot of work (which i dont mind as long as there is a benefit to my setting) -i can see how it can be a great tool (for a school )-as it tracks children from 0 - KS1, but i sat in on some training last night -and im not sure how i can firstly find the time to do it, and if it will be of any benefit ?
- 7 replies
Hey there, Quick question - Anyone come across any "Look, listen & note" info? Or has that gone for good...? Thanks x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_39602, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Hi all Am looking at either producing a tracking progress document or using an already done template. Does anyone have any info on any they use or could supply a template as a starter. I know I want to track each child under the headings which would highlight developing, emerging, secure and then at the end of each term highlight areas to work on. Would also like to use it to highlight any setting shortfalls in areas of learning. Looking forward to replies
Last reply by Helen, -
Learning Walls
by Guest- 10 replies
Hello, does anyone have any photos of 'leaning walls'. I have seen them on the forum in the past and can't seem to find any - can anyone point me in the right direction or have any recent photos they would be willing to upload? Many thanks! :rolleyes:
- 5 replies
Following advice from our EY Consultant at a recent training event I am planning to produce a handbook for Parents and Carers to explain to them the reason why we observe and assess their children, and just wondered if anyone else had one in place that I could browse through for ideas on where to start. I will share my finished document for others to use once I (hopefully) manage to produce it! Thanks in advance for any help. :rolleyes:
by Guest- 6 replies
Please can anyone help? I am doing a topic of 'dinosaurs' this half-term and in my newsletter I like to give reasons for/learning that may come from the topic. This is a new topic for me, so the first time I have needed to write a 'blurb'. My thoughts are not coming together on this (possibly after a head injury at work last week - whilst checking the safety of the playground prior to outdoor play! ), so any help would be very much appreciated!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11396, -
- 33 replies
Just wondering, if you have new children starting after Easter and you know they will be with you for the next 18 months, which framework would you base your observations around? Just wondering about their folders really.