Observation, Assessment and Planning
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- 13 replies
Hello Can you help me Im struggling a bit with when/how during the session to meet the children next steps! Each child has a plan which shows a next step in each area of learning that we plan to cover over the term. We split the children into weeks and focus on X amount of children a week during this week we plan to cover their next steps My question is how you cover their next steps- do you plan to do this in a group time - key person time or ? Can anyone share a planning format that you use? Also do you do a big main focus activity a day for all the children to join in with ( we do and do link some of the next steps into this but not all children …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19802, -
- 1 reply
Hi, i am wondering if anybody can help me. i am looking to change how my weekly planning is laid out. has anybody got any examples to get me started, i am looking for 1 that has a key system or colour codes at the bottom. so at a glance you can see planned activity, adult led, child initiated, group time free time.etc i did see a excellent on the forum somewhere but cannot find it. if anyone could help it would save me a lot of time x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7120, -
Planning Meeting
by Guest- 0 replies
Hi was wondering if anyone could help? We are having a foundation stage planning meeting next week and need to agree on a format for long, medium and short term planning. Would anybody be kind enough to share theirs?? We would like to have the same planning format in nursery and reception - do you think this is possible?? We feel like at the moment we are including too much in our planning and would like to see what others are doing. Thank you in anticipation for sharing xx
Creative Caterpillar Ideas
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi everyone, Happy Easter hols! I am just starting my planning for the first week back. The topic is 'It's Alive' - focussing on animals and plants and growth. The first two weeks I am planning to do the Very Hungry Caterpillar. I am just struggling to think of some really exciting and different and high quality art projects to do with the children. I am in a nursery setting and have a big display wall to cover so something that could go up there would be fab. I was thinking it would be nice to have a project that they could add to and develop over a few days as well. Any ideas? Thanks!
Post It Notes In Learning Journeys
by Guest- 20 replies
Hiii, Just working on learning journeys, was just wondering how people put their post it notes in?? We have a page for each area of learning and stick them where they fit in, Then we have to put the heading which it comes under eg, writing.. the page number and the age bracket. onto the post it note. Does anyone else do this? Be so much easier to just stick it under the overall heading lol
Registration In Pre School Settings
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi,looking for some feedback on what other settings do regarding registration. I understand children shouldnt be sat for a extended period, but what I am struggling with is a missed learning opportunity such as getting ready for school, counting opportunities, weather board,sharing news, and what is on offer for the day,visitors etc. I am due to lead a new setting opening next week and its such a dilema! I am thinking if the children arrive, self register and play for 15 mins and then come together in a group for register time , is that such a bad thing?
Using Camcorders To Observe
by Guest- 10 replies
Hi I am new to all of this so please bear with me! Having spent the last week or so trying to digest the new EYFS framework and development matters material,I was just wondering if any one uses camcorders to observe the children in thier setting and if they found this more helpful than written obs. Thanks to anyone who can offer any advise on this matter
- 8 replies
Hi! With regards creative activities we always try to avoid going down the 'Fluffy Duck Syndrome' route and give children lots of different options to be creative with a good range of materials but I'm getting a bit confused as to what is right and wrong to 'teach' the children? For example, is it wrong to show children how they might draw a person or demonstrate how they could make a flower using petal shape pieces of card (not pre-cut for them - showing them how to cut them out etc)? I have done some reading into the development of drawing and 'Fluffy Duck Syndrome' but am started to be worried about showing the children how to draw or make things in case I'm ruining t…
- 9 replies
does anyone know where i can get low odour whiteboard markers ? our group this term have really been into using them - i usually get them from consortium -but i havent got a big enough order to qualify for free delivery. cheers
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8282, -
- 7 replies
Hi everyone, I have to bring my ideas to a planning meeting tomorrow about the topic for next half term which is going to be called either Houses and Homes or Where We Live. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas about any good books or interesting role play areas (already had a home corner) that I could use? I feel stumped for ideas! It can be quite a broad topic so I was thinking of beginning to look at where the children live then looking at the rest of England (including animal homes) and then maybe looking at the rest of the world? Any ideas would be most appreciated! x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762,