Observation, Assessment and Planning
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- 0 replies
If you have some time on the evening of Friday 30th MARCH visit http://teachmeet.pbworks.com/w/page/51678400/TeachMeet%20Nottingham where teachers and practitiioners share ideas and network.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13517, -
- 3 replies
I have been allocated some money to buy some PRSN resources for all age groups in nursery. Can anyone recommend some resources that they already use in their nursery?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_39602, -
- 13 replies
Im trying to write an A4 piece about why we do these to go at the front of the book and basically saying if something hasn't been observed and marked yet and either you know your child is able to do it or you think "my child is that age and that hasn't been ticked in that area" don't panic as its based on what we observe in the setting. I'm struggling to word it without sounding condescending to parents though, and also struggling to explain the EYFS in a short paragraph! Any help much appreciated
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 10 replies
Does anyone have an example of planning of learning opportunities at snack time. I have been asked to include this in our planning but it is generally one of those things that we do but we don't record, if you see what I mean.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_39602, -
Communication And Language Checklist
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi everyone, Does anyone know or use a list of words and pictures that you can use to check children's vocabulary? I was hoping to use this as an assessment in nursery. Any thoughts would be helpful, Thanks!
Interview Help
by Guest lilvic- 1 reply
Hi everyone! I have an interview for a nursery teachers job next week. Currently work in a foundation stage class in a school so not too sure what questions may be as have not worked in a nursery before. Could anybody give me any possible clues as to some of the things they might ask? Thanks! xx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
Starting A Setting 1 2
by Guest- 34 replies
Hi, I am planning to start my own pre school this summer; my husband and i are going down the charity route of doing this. Does anyone have any helpful advice for me? The LA of my borough's early years development team is dissolving, there is not much funding in early years any more because of the cuts, thing appear rather bleak at the moment. is that a misconception on my part? However i am very passionate about what I do; and an absolute advocate for quality 'educare'. I don't wish to believe I am making a mistake by starting in first instance, a friend said its not really a good time to be going into childcare & and early education! is this true? I did…
- 5 replies
In the setting i work at we have been doing 10 Minuit observations we been trying to do it on each child as often as and if possible one a week if not one every half term. how often do you do observations on your children and also do u just do the writing 10 min ones or do u do tracking n time sampling as i did these in college n was told should do them aswell not always have to do a 10 minuet writing observation. Also Learning journals how much time do u get to do yours i am giveren an hour to do mine a week but fins im going over a lot of the time.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_38073, -
- 6 replies
Just wondering if others would share any activities that you always (or mostly!) do/provide on a daily or weekly basis, other than continuous provision of course! e.g. rhymes, number rhymes, stories, extra writing activity etc As usual, reflecting on what we do and provide!! Thanks Green Hippo x
Pshe Lesson Observation
by Guest- 0 replies
Hello, Does anyone have a very good PSHE lesson plan for a Nursery group of 13 children that l could use for a lesson observation or indeed any ideas, Thanks am in a panic!!! Ruthy xx