Observation, Assessment and Planning
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Outstanding Lesson Plan
by Guest- 14 replies
Hi there, Please do not think I am blowing my own trumpet- but I was really pleased to get an outstanding when i carried out this lesson with my class and wanted to share it with you. There has been a lot on teacher's tv at the moment about how to make your lessons go from good to outstanding so I thought I would follow this up with my lesson plan. I have worked hard to achieve outstanding and am considering AST although I am happy as a deputy head. I know I still have a lot to learn= particularly when it comes to the e profile- I am totally clueless- but learning rapidly thanks to all of you. suzy lesson_plan_maths_tues_9th_oct_for_Pam.doc
- 7 replies
Please can someone help, I'm losing my marbles! I found the most excellent thread on Wed/Thurs with small world in a box and scenery on a table for We're going on a bear hunt. I can't find it now
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 3 replies
Hi.. just wondering if anybody has experience of Japanese/English speaking children. We have a new child, and whilst I expect verbal communication delay in bilingual children, this new child (2.5) did not make a sound (actually not true... he did cry when it was time to leave!). I'm not sure how long to leave it before asking for help! Receptive language was non existent without visual clues (not that unusual on his first visit... but you know how you just know something is not quite right...) When I chatted with mum It would appear that he does not speak any words in English or Japanese at home apart from mama. Any input appreciated!
- 3 replies
Hi, I have been asked to compile a list of the expected behaviour of a 3 - 4 year old within the classroom setting. I will be using the development matters and LLN as a starting point but want to put it in more informal language with examples. I was just wondering what other people would put on this list re ability to listen attentively, using aggressive behaviour (how quickly would you expect a child using aggressive behaviour to change this type of behaviour, and following rules, such as, no throwing, walking inside only etc. Thanks Green Hippo x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_39602, -
Planning For A Mixed Age Class
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi everyone, I'm hoping for some advice and help. I teach in Scotland and at the moment my school takes in 4 year olds for their pre-school year. My head has just asked me about the feasibility of taking in three year olds as well for an anti pre-school year, so that the three year old children would spend two years within my setting and the four year olds would still go on at five into the main school. My question is - how would I plan for this? In amongst the child initiated topics, should I have a two year rolling programme of 'topics' with differentiated outcomes? Or should I be running different 'topics' for the different age groups? And how do I make sure t…
- 7 replies
Hi All, Just wondering what you do for your rising 4's ( i say this as most of them go to school so early now!) , at my previous setting we allocated an afternoon for the older ones and focused on literacy and numeracy development , resources were geared for older children , we encouraged PE kits to be bought in and supervisors took small groups to focus on writing and numbers. At my current setting , we have an allocated session and for one week per month go to the local primary school and hold our session there, children are encouraged to try school dinner , and use the reception class , this is fab for transisition but what else do you do in terms of work. The last…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_39602, -
- 2 replies
Does anyone have a good recipe for a biscuit dough which children could roll out and cut into different shapes please?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_33615, -
- 16 replies
I'm hoping someone will know what I mean! I most likely got it from here in the first place and can't find it in my files anywhere It had the development matters statements for all 6 areas on one page - I'm not certain if it was all age bands or whether it was just one or two though as it's a while since I looked at it. I'd be really greatful if anyone had one they can upload or point me in the right direction to find it on here. TIA
Morning Routine
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi all I will be working in my own area from January with my group of 11 children that were all 3 between sept and dec I am just working out a daily routine we are open 9 until 12 and I wondered if anyone would mind sharing their morning routine with me. I am not sure if I will be able to manage an independent snack bar as we are in the lower part of the hall which has been screened off and this is not next to the toilets or kitchen also the outside area has not yet been developed for free flow I am still not sure whether it will just be me with the children or I will have another member of staff?? Thanks in advance for any ideas
- 7 replies
Yet another question regarding learning stories. I looked at all the staff learning stories last half term (october) - there were 60ish so that was fun! Anyway I am worried about the inconsistencies, one of them had filled 2 pages from september to the end of october and to me that's just not enough (There was 2 photos and 2 pieces of work) this key person has issues with deciding herself what should and shouldn't be done but that's another story Anyway to cut a long story short I want to say to staff what I expect but what do you think is fair? With my own key children I know they differ so much, I could do a page a day on one of them yet another one would pr…