Observation, Assessment and Planning
2,787 topics in this forum
Letters And Sounds Phase One
by Guest- 10 replies
HI, I am working in pre-school and really want to get more done on letters and sounds. i brought our letters and sounds pack home this weekend and have scanned it and i like some of the activities. I just want to check if i am understanding this correctly. we work through each aspect ? - how do we know when children are ready to move on? - is it just in knowing your children? - how long would you spend on each aspect (a week?, do you do it each day?) Aspect 7 - would you expect to achive this in pre-school? do you do your letters and sounds activities in small groups, i know it suggest this. do they progress through each aspect in order, or will they…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 2 replies
Hi everyone This maybe long as its two posts in one!!! Firstly we are having a few behavioural issues at the moment but to be honest most of the behaviour is being displayed at home and not in our setting though it is starting to venture into a setting iykwim. Firstly - we have a boy who is 3 and 4 months. Mum admitted to me last week that she doesn't know how to deal with his behaviour. While on outing he hurt 3 of his friends by hitting them. Now each time he did this he looked at mum the whole time as if waiting for a response. Now I witnessed one of these incidents and he knew me and mum were taking but continued to watch to see what his mums reaction was …
- 14 replies
How much time do you spend on updating your key childrens folders/scrap books?? (What ever you use) the ones where you record their learning and next steps etc Our keyworkers each have 8 children, aged between 2 - 4 whom all do various sessions.
Home Time Help
by Guest- 14 replies
So after attending an abc does... conference I am super excited about starting the new term with all of Alistair's fab advice. I'm pretty happy about my 'routine' but the one sticking point that I can't seem to get right is the way in which we finish each session and do home time. We currently finish at 11.45 with parents coming straight in to collect so there isn't a big rush. However this means that children are on the carpet for up to twenty minutes, and because some are leaving it we end up singing as this something children feel happier to leave during rather than not hearing the end of a story. We have always done 'stay on the carpet until we call your name' whi…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_22106, -
Short Term Planning Template
by Guest- 13 replies
Hey! This is my first message in this website! I am looking for a template for weekly planning. I have tried different ideas but i'd be really interested in other peoples thoughts and ideas ready for the new term!! Thank you Lib
- 6 replies
In our school, each year group has been given a country to work on for Multicultural Week and my Nursery class has England. Does anyone have any good ideas for activities or enhancements based around this theme? Thankyou
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Our committee has recently put together a Development Plan for the setting and one of the targets is that "Children's progress is systematically assessed and recorded every session using a variety of assessment approaches i.e. photographs, note taking, one to one dialogues, contact books" and the success criteria is "Every child has a Learning Story continuously depicting their development both within the setting, in other related early years settings and at home". We are a sessional preschool offering sessions of 3-4 hours and finding the time to update Learning Stories on a regular basis is always a challenge but we currently manage to update about once a week usin…
- 1 follower
- 22 replies
We are having massive discussions at work at the moment regarding how often we should observe out key children. Our EYA has said once a term is enough, I don't think it is and think once a half term should be the minimum. How often does everyone else do them? I'm not talking about the mini wow moments, I probably do 3 or 4 of these a day on each of my children but the longer Narrative obs I do half termly. I know there are many of threads like this around but just thought I would try and collate together a sort of "poll"
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
Child With Epilepsy
by Guest- 10 replies
I am about to admit a child with epilepsy. She has absences and seizures comprising of generalised jerking movements. I work in a school based nursery with a 1:13 ratio just myself and T.A. I am looking for a risk assessment to complete before the child starts next week, has anyone got something suitable I could use?? I found one on National Society for Epilepsy but it is not really relevant.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6008, -
by Guest- 3 replies
Just wondering if anyone knows of or seen any songs related to the olympics or values from the olympics. Less than 200 days to go now! Thanks in advance we are already planning special days and workshops with parents.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128,