Observation, Assessment and Planning
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Vacant To Engaged
by Guest lillybeth- 4 replies
Did anyone go to the Vacant to engaged conference in London, I did it was very inspiring run by the guy who does the ABC does blog. What did you think of the day if you went.
- 16 replies
Hi All, just wondering if any of you can share your method of observation allocation and what you do. It seems every setting does something different, as now at my new place, it is again done yet another way, as follows: each member of staff gets a designated day in which they observe their key children, so the majority of the session is spent with that person either observing and then writing up or observing maybe with eyes up and then writing up at a later date, the profiles are mostly ob notes with photos for majority of obs - no 10 min obs or behaviour obs etc ,this means that a paid member of staff spends majority of session only doing obs, previous place we made …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_39602, -
- 13 replies
Hi All, just wondered if anyone could help with planning documents , layout etc or where to resource please, I am trying to change plan layout as it is not workable as it is, spent last weekend trying to make my own template but was only temporary - any ideas comments gratefully recieved
Creative Development
by Guest- 8 replies
Hello! I am setting up a focussed assessment for next week - I would like the children to create 3d structures and intend to cover this through making puppets. So ... 22-36m To begin to combine materials - ok - good, achievable; 30-50m To create 3d structures - ok - good, achievable; 40-60+m To work creatively on a large or small scale - yes, I guess that too will be covered - BUT surely, the two earlier phases are also covering this, should they 'achieve' in the earlier phase then they will also be achieving in 40-60+m? Am I being really thick here? Is there something I have missed? Any advice would be very welcome!!
Whole Group Time - When?
by Guest- 14 replies
Just wondering when other settings timetable whole group time, and for how long. I am trying to organise the morning to allow for maximum self initiated time, and am a little unsure about starting the day with a whole group time, as currently the children self register, then get on with self initiated play. Could others share when they have this time in the morning, and why? New to all this, so would be grateful to hear what is working for people out there!
Home Observation Sheets
by Guest colechin- 11 replies
I would like to encourage our parent/carers to make home observations of their children. Currently they take it in turns to take home the video camera, but some have said that they would prefer to write down information. Before I design a home observation sheet does anyone already have one which they could share with me, and also a letter explaining it to the parent/carers?. If you haven't then i will have a go at designing one and will post here when done. Thank you
Last reply by AnonyMouse_37030, -
- 19 replies
How on EARTH do you do this? I have different children in on different days. Some stay every morning all week, some just in for 1 or 2 days. How many adult led activities do you do a wekk, and how do you ensure they all take part. Do you just have one running all week? Or 2 running? How do you make sure there is plenty of time for the children to be involved in self initiated play, with an adult supporting / enhancing play? An advisor has given me a sheet with space for a whole group and 1/2 adult led activities a day. I said I felt children should only take part in 1 adult led a day, she agreed. However, if you have the same activity running each day, that is only 1 adul…
- 14 replies
we had a lovely example of creativity today, we had salt dough in our art area ( we are attempting salt dough decorations for the village church !) and i made some slime in the messy area. the children had a great time making the salt dough by themselves,they found the rolling pins and some cutters etc -some made sausages, some made mountains (you can never have too many sauages and mountains decorating a church lol !!) i tend to stand back and help if needed, well - i watched this little girl from the corner of my eye, she rolled the dough, formed it into a snake shape then curled it up.....she then found a paintbrush, and took some slime from the messy tray....i…
Simple Line Drawings Needed
by Guest- 7 replies
Does anyone know of a website where I could find line drawings to represent movements in PE? A tall order, I guess!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
Individual Plans
by Guest- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hi all, This is probably a daft question to ask but we have been putting together individual plans for all the children to use over the next term. this is going really well and we have been using our obs and progress summeries to build them as well as using thier interests. Do this activities get put on the planning as next steps or just interests? any help would be great