Observation, Assessment and Planning
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Weekly Observation Sheets
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi all We have had a new little girl start with us this week. She brought her learning journey from her previous nursery with her as requested so we could see what stage of development she is at etc... The file included a pre printed sheet for each week with learning outcomes down the side and space for observations and photos for activities she had done, experiences she had had that particular week - like a weekly report in some ways. I loved it and am trying to implement it in our setting - does anyone else do it this way? I like the idea of parents being able to see the sheet each but am always wary of this as some sheets would never come back! I am in the process of…
What Do You Think?
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi all I am in the process of revamping our planning process for all age groups within our setting - trying to move away from planning for what adults want out towards what children want out. I still want to run a topic alongside child-led planning but to focus more on individual interests in the daily plans. Just wanted some input on my new sheet. It shows the adult-initiated activities for the week and has space for keyworkers to add activities for their individual children. What do you think? New_planning_sheet.docx I would really appreciate some feedback and ideas!
by Guest- 13 replies
I have been considering displays in a day nursery. At the moment we have all different colours backing and borders . The low ones alway look tatty , they all look too busy and clashy.What do people think about only using neutral backing? The same colours across the setting? Seen any articles on the subject ? Am I looking at it to much from an adults point of view?Wanting things to 'go'
Artist In Nursery!
by Guest- 12 replies
Hi We have been asked by our art co-ordinator to focus on an artist at least once a term with the children and put two pieces of children's work linking to that artist in a portfolio. Does anyone else do this in their school or do you just focus on the children's creativity through the development matters like normal? I personally do not see why we have to do this as we (the foundation stage) work completely different to the main school and are covering CD consistently throughout continuous provision and planning. I am finding it really hard to find an artist to do with my children! does any one have any ideas or suggestions for me please? thanks kate
Observation/learning Intention
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi I have an observation coming up soon, in a Nursery setting. I am going to do a cooking activity and link it to Numeracy - counting spoonfuls ingredients etc.etc.. Has anyone any top tips for good lesson observations linked to cookery? our head is very keen that we explain the 'learning intention' to children at the start of the lesson she asks us to explain the Learning objective at the start of the lesson whether they are in Foundation stage of Year 6. I am curious as to how others do this in Foundation stage. Many of our activities have 3 or 4 learning intentions as very are very cross curricular activities so it might have a Learning Intention from PSRN, CLL and KU…
- 3 replies
Hi everyone Had a hectic few years trying to get the basics in place in the setting I am in and now looking to revamp observations. Can anyone briefly outline the various types and just a quick explanation or even a link to a bit more information about what kid of things need to be included in that specific type of observation IYKWIM Currently we have.... POST IT NOTES - that are used to record everything!!!! However changing this to include Wow moments - spontaneous monents that occur during the day Group time observations - taken during small group time - focused activity Tracker observation - proving difficult as never set the playgroup up the…
Pre-school Activity Ideas
by Guest- 3 replies
Hello, well despite working in nurseries for 12 years my mind has gone blank as to what fun activities to provide the pre-school children (aged 2.5 up). I am now working in a new nursery and it is only now that the numbers are high enough that the pre-school chldren get to spend some time in the pre-school room. It was my first day today and the nursery seems lovely (ofsted inspected today too!, talk about an initiation). the girl that has been working mostly with the pre-school children wants to make some changes - she wants to re-organise the room- which it could do with doing and establish a routine, which i agree is needed. I am aware though that we should be…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_38743, -
Psrn - Peer Observation In Nursery
by Guest- 5 replies
Next week I am having a peer observation (in nursery) by a Yr 6 Math Coordinator . She would like to observe a PSRN activity. Does anyone have any WOW ideas that I could do with a small group of 4-6 children? Thank you!
Learning Journals
by Guest- 13 replies
Hello just wondering if you nice people could help me? Im in nursery and we have decided this year to start the learning journals......... Can you please tell me how you manage 52 of these.... and what things do you actually put in them....beacuse obviously we dont do worksheets in nursery....is it just pics and annotations? Thank you xx
- 0 replies
I know this has been discussed over and over but hey! things change I am getting conflicting advice as to what should be included so just wondered what everybody else does and how much difference there actually is... Our LTP has targets on from our performance managements with school, an estimate of how staffing will go over the year (as new children join), the routine and any changes made, plans for activities such as fundraising, trips etc, curriculum, development of environment... Our MTP is what we're planning to do to meet the LTP in each term including things like initiatives such as Letters and Sounds, using festivals to meet certain ELGs, key files, visits,…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8457,