Observation, Assessment and Planning
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mathematics resources
by Guest- 8 replies
Dear all I hope you are having a lovely summer! I am searching for some advice on our maths area. We have designated areas such as maths, role play, mark making etc and they all intermingle, ie writing implements in the maths area, number books in the writing area, etc - we often have a more adult led maths activity at registration time and an activity set up on the maths 'table'. Has anybody got any suggestions on a different approach? I struggle to plan exciting and different weekly activities to have out on the table for the children. One week we may have sorting cars or a matching game, etc according to the next steps that we need to cater for but I…
- 1 reply
Hi guys, I am in the process of changing weekly planning in my setting and would love advice from other setting about how they complete theirs. My initial thoughts were to include a weekly short observation, one week a planned activity and the next a child initiated one so both adult and child initiated activities were being recorded on each child's tapestry. During a chat with my boss she expressed worry about not having enough information from short observations to complete or termly reports. I also plan to split my planning into age appropriate activities and wondered how many others do this and how? Look forward to hearing for you, thank you in adva…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
- 1 reply
Hi- I am an EYT in a large nursery with 4 units. One of the units seems to have a little bit of an issue with assessing their children. There are 5 staff in the unit and all of them seem to assess in slightly different ways, resulting in children not necessarily being placed in the correct age bracket. I look at the group assessments in this room and a lot of the children are under their expected age brackets but I don't think this is correct. Can anyone give any tips on how to bring the staff together to assess in the same way? Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_34182, -
- 5 replies
Hi we are looking to move to online learning journals and I am hoping for some advice on the type of tablets we can use. We don't have a lot of money but don't want to waste what we do have on buying something that isn't up to the job. Thank you in advice.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 7 replies
Does anyone have a favourite song or poem that they sing/say to their school leavers on their last day at nursery/preschool?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_50365, -
- 3 replies
Hi all, My school is considering a new digital app for recording children's learning (across the whole school) called See Saw. As the Early Years Leader I have been asked to find out whether we ought to change from using tapestry in the reception classes and join the rest of the school on See saw. I have trawled the internet trying to identify the pros and cons of see saw.. and have yet to come across anything that suggests we should remain with tapestry. Just wondered if anyone has had experience of this in the early years classes or whether its more suitable to KS1 and 2...thanks all!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_53762, -
New to Nursery
by Guest- 14 replies
Hi everyone I hope you wise bunch might be able to help me. I have just found out I will be teaching nursery next year. I have been in reception for three years and have never taught nursery before! I am very excited about it but would really appreciate any advice! The nursery is part of the school and we provide am, pm and 2 and a half day provision. I have been wondering about: How to structure the day? Which ways have you found best to settle the children and teach them to follow the rules? I am also really interested in objective led planning has anyone tried it? How have you found it? Hopefully over the next term I will spend some time in nursery so wil…
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi, Can anyone help us with an issue we have been having whilst transferring the children's accounts to the schools. We have successfully transferred all accounts to the school, however the school are telling us that the reports are not in them. Is there anyway of transferring the reports as well? Many Thanks Emily
Last reply by AnonyMouse_54214, -
Baseline assessment levels
by Guest- 11 replies
This is my first time doing a baseline assessment in nursery and I am still settling in children, modelling and setting up basic provision to let the children explore the environment and hopefully show me what they are acapabel of.... so far I still don't feel i really 'know' where the children fit in terms of baseline. In nursery what are the expectations for chn coming in in terms of developmental stage? I have overall a fairly able cohort. Would my ave. child be emerging or developing 30-50? Any advice would be great... x
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
- 1 reply
I would like to re-vamp our planning and wondered if anyone was willing to share any examples? Thanks in advance ::1a
Last reply by AnonyMouse_51293,