Observation, Assessment and Planning
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- 28 replies
Can anyone share how they plan for individual children on a WEEKLY basis please- we are getting in a mess- We currently have an individual plan for each child which covers a half term and need a SIMPLE system of putting this into weeky/daily practise. thanks
- 1 reply
Hi, Wonder if you can help... One of my key children has shown a big interest in the little lego people in our small world area. He goes to them first thing in a morning and will play with them all day if allowed. We've even found them in his pockets when he leaves for home! I'm wanting to expand his learning using the lego people in other areas and also encourage him to engage in similar but different resources. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! Rebecca
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
Extending A Topic
by Guest terrydoo73- 10 replies
I am trying to think of how to extend a topic we are exploring with the children - the farm. We have the following resources out this week but I want to add to them next week and haven't got a clue! Water tray - we have ducks (wind ups) that kick their feet in the water, in addition we have bubble bath and warm water Sand tray - wet sand with the usual buckets and spades and the additional farm animals Dough - yellow in colour with farm shapes to mould and cut out Jigsaw puzzles - individual cow, sheep, pig and horse puzzles Small world - tractors and porridge oats in a box, the tractors have scoops and trailers to fill Blocks - magnetic type blocks Home corner…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
by Guest- 0 replies
I'd like to update my SEF - yes I know (AAARGH!!). Problem is when I go on the the OFSTED site, it shows me a choice of last submitted SEF, and last saved SEF - which are a different date for whatever reason - thought I'd saved the one I submitted too? But the only one I have the option of editing is the last saved, not the last submitted. Sorry I know this sounds complicated, but I want to edit my last SEF and all I can do is print it or edit the one before (which is the last saved!!!) has anyone else had this problem ? Cheers
Key Worker
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi, I'm new to the forum but would like some advice on how to organise days where some children stay all day and then other days where they may only attend in the morning or afternoon. The current structure is Self registration Continuous provision first thing with free flow for the children Key worker group - Greet each other, day of the week and either sharing of news, area of learning focus, shared story, letters and sounds, ideas planning for next week or intro through a puppet of adult led play activity. Continuous provision with free flow again and children can participate in the adult led activity if they want Key worker group - a game linked to ar…
- 6 replies
At uni today we were shown a copy of Dame Clare Tickell's review of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) the whole group was up in arms has anyone else seen it - just wondered what people feedback was. I asked if it could be forwarded onto me once I receive it I will upload it. (if I can)
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2157, -
Flitting About From One Activity To Another
by Guest terrydoo73- 16 replies
Before I start I know this is age related - child just turned 3 at the end of February but I really want to try and settle this child to play for longer periods of time at specific interest areas. She will start by coming in and going to the dressing up area. She will pick out a dress and shoes and ask help from an adult to help her into the dress. We have tried to get her to do this herself which is working to a point but still does not stop her next action. She will then float about for all of 2 seconds and spy something else she wants to go to play with. The action is then repeated with another few minutes at another activity before returning once again to the …
Outdoor Play
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi there I know there are lots of ideas on outdoor play already here - loads of which I have used, but I'm stuck for what to do with our grassy hill. Initially, the children just loved to climb up it, and there were some bushes and trees which I pruned to make a tunnel which they love, but I would love to do something more with the hill now, as they are just running down it, and our classroom sits at the bottom, so getting worried someone is going to go crashing into it. I was thinking of trying to get some boulders for them to climb on, but the hill is quite steep and I would worry they mignt roll down!!. We have an area for planting, so dont want to do that there. …
Notice Board And Displaying Childrens Work 1 2
by Guest terrydoo73- 30 replies
We are a new playgroup opened in January and have just pre-preschoolers at present so whilst I know we should be child orientated it is limited in a sense - we did pick up on a child's interest in a rainmaker and made pringle jars painted, decorated and filled with dried peas etc which they loved. Now we have decided to change the whole playroom to a new look for the month of March - it is our first turnaround as we started in late January. We have decided to work with the continuation of our settling in process, having taken them through the idea of what hands are for so we did handprints, then moved onto how our hearts help us when we move and what happens when we …
- 4 replies
Hi all, Please forgive my lack of knowledge on this. We have a Buddhist child joining our pre-school soon. Is there anything we need to be aware of e.g. dietary requirements, etc. Thank you
Last reply by AnonyMouse_35362,