Observation, Assessment and Planning
2,787 topics in this forum
- 9 replies
Read through many posts on planning and taken away ideas and downloads just a bit of help on, recording what has been done, normally through obs and then added to the childs learning journey, how is it possible for example if 30 children have participated in the adult led activty to evavulate this, see now am confused has any nice people got any examples of how they record.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_20359, -
Real Quick Questio
by Guest- 3 replies
What vocabulary would you use wuith your reception lasss. I am doing G'locks and 3 bears, and tomorrowe being observed. so far i have been using middle size bear, bowl bed etc, but suddenly had a thought should it be medium size instead? popcorn xxx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_25331, -
Child Getting Emotional When Left By Parent
by Guest terrydoo73- 8 replies
Please bear in mind we have only opened our Playgroup 2 weeks and are therefore new to the whole matter of settling children in. We have one little boy, very quiet in his manners and doesn't really communicate what he wants to play with etc etc When he comes into Playgroup he clings to mums leg, she tends to take him by the arm and "push" him into the playgroup. We have tried everything - persuading him to come and see our sand, water toys etc, cuddling him before mum leaves, talking to him at the end of previous session about the next day but nothing works. He starts to cry but it is very quickly over and he is happy about 2 minutes after mum leaves. We are…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
- 3 replies
Hello everyone, Heard about you the other day and what fantastic support you give. Here goes my first question. I was recently told about a planning system called 'snowball planning'. Does anyone know how it works and does anyone use it and have an example they are prepared to share? Ta
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 22 replies
Hi All, Can anyone help..... I have a boy who is 3.5 years, he started toilet/pott training 6 months ago and during the first 2 weeks he had (like many of children) lots of accidents and was at times becoming distressed. His mother (against our advice) felt sorry for him and put him back in pull-ups but told him that once the world cup was over he would go back into pants....which he did..... However the same happened (as above) and again she put him back in pull-ups.....and so the pattern continued. We tried everything: Putting toys in the toilet/round objects for him to aim into Reading a book to him Sticker Chart Praise Going with a friend - Payi…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
Planning For Nursery Rhymes Topic
by Guest Peppa- 4 replies
Hi, I'm doing a short topic on nursery rhymes, bassed on the fact that a lot of children seem to like nursery rhymes, but I need a bit of inspiration for ideas! So far I though we could make sheep out of wool and cotton wool and talk about textures, make spiders for incy wincy spider out of paper plates and children can fold paper to make zig zaggy legs, acting out humpty dumpty and recording it for children to watch back on the smart board, and making symetrical hearts by folding a heart in half, painting a pattern and folding it over to print on the other half, as well as maing heart shaped biscuits for the queen of hearts. Now I'm struggling for inspiration! I want t…
Transporting Schema
by Guest- 4 replies
We have a 2 year old in preschool at present who always has 3 or 4 small toys in one hand. He carries them around while he plays. It doesn't seem to matter much what they are but once he has made his selection for the morning he won't change. Is this a transporting schema? Is there any way we can extend it? His sister on the other hand collects quantities of similar items and lays them out in rows. THey are the only strong schema we have going on at present.
Settling In Child 1 2
by Guest terrydoo73- 32 replies
We had a child started new today and he was very vocal in expressing what he was going to play with and in his thoughts and feelings! However we noticed a "determined" streak - when he didn't want to do something he made sure he didn't do it! This came to light at the end of our session. We had had a lovely half hour outside playing and came in to sit down for a rhyme session before the mums came. This particular child refused to sit down with the other children and started to move towards the construction toys. We tried repeatedly to say that now was not the time to be playing with toys but everyone was waiting on him to join them in the rhymes. Eventually he came …
- 8 replies
This might seem a strange question but at what age do I introduce letters and sounds? Got parents pushing for children to know thier letters thanks
Assessment Formats
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi! Can anyone please give me some help/info on what formats you use for assessment?? I'm trying to put together my own EYFS Profile for the older children in the setting (with the scales etc.) and also an assessment format for the younger children and am getting a bit lost!!! Thanks, any help would be great!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453,