Observation, Assessment and Planning
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New Playgroup Help For Observation Assessment And Planning
by Guest terrydoo73- 6 replies
Hi my name is Jacqui and I am from NI. I have just been appointed Leader in a new playgroup and new help with observation, assessment and planning. We are planning to open with 6 little ones who have just turned 3 so are not yet preschoolers if you understand me! We have been advised to focus on their PSED, Language and Physical and not to worry about the other areas of learning. Obviously it will all be focused on the settling in process. Most of them have never left mummies before and it will be a long slow process getting them used to us, the setting etc. Some of them will be part time ie 2/3 days a week others we hope for the full week - we are providing 2 1/…
- 4 replies
Morning all Our topic in nursery is 'Stories and Rhymes', and we're currently reading 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'. I'm in the process of planning for this week's continuous provision areas, and I'm wondering if anyone has any fantastic ideas for our investigation area... Last week we put out three bowls of uncooked pasta, rice and oats for the children to mix and explore. I think they're ready for a change this week, but my mind is blank Thank you in advance!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11396, -
Activities To Explore Weight?
by Guest- 11 replies
Help ! Has any body got any interesting ideas to explore weight? we have scales to explore in maths area and will be cooking next week using real scales - wanted to do something a bit different x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
Indian Christmas Decorations
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi all Hope you're enjoying the snow if you've got some, and you're all wrapped up warm! As a school, we always make decorations for the church Christmas tree. This year, the theme is India. Any ideas for Indian Christmas decorations that my nursery children can make? I'm stumped! Thank you
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30147, -
'dark' Play And Pulleys!
by Guest- 1 reply
Good Afternoon, It seems like im suddenly on here all the time, lots of inspiration....love it! Just looking for some extension ideas for next weeks planning board in two areas ..... children are LOVING playing in the dark with torches and glowsticks....any ideas how we could extend this interest next week? also, a strong interst of our children at the moment is that of pulleys and cranes and basically the transporting of objects around the room! We have taken this outside and set up activities with string whereby the children pull the string to allow buckets to be passed to each other........we have done similar activities inside but now running a bit l…
- 10 replies
Hi everyone One or two parents have approached me to ask for more formal learning and not sure how to approach it. At the same time committee want more structured activities and want numeracy/literacy activity everyday - have tried explaining this but got no where. How can I keep everyone happy? Can anyone please share with me any ideas/planning etc as to how i can achieve this while keeping in line with EYFS? They also want me to split children into groups at some point during the morning so for pre-schoolers to be seperated from the younger ones and have more formal learning. So stressed over this Any help/advice would be very much greatly a…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
Quiet Time?!
by Guest- 10 replies
Dear All, Just a quick question really........do you think that to have a 'quiet time' in a preschool group once in the morning and once in the afternoon which lasts for 1 HOUR is really acceptable for children aged 3-5years??? This is something that has recently been introduced in our setting and I feel uncomfortable with it......does anyone else do this?? Jellytots
Rec: How Are You Fitting It All In
by Guest- 7 replies
Hio there everybody For the past couple of weeks I have been coming away at the end of the day, ....still have not done any KUW, CD, PD focus work with the chn due to fitting in daily phonics, PSRN (where some chn need heaps of time to recognising numbers to 5 even)letter/number formation, tricky words etc etc. I'm loving being in reception, but i just feel so bad at the end of the day that no time has been put aside for other focus activities. Of course my areas change often for CD, PD, KUW,sO i KNOW THEY HAVE A BALANCED CURRICULUM. BUT ALL FOCUS ACTIVITIE WHICH ARE ADULT LED, BY MYSELF OR TA (0000ps caps on) or the academic stuff. Our termly topic is dinosaurs tak…
- 16 replies
Hello you lovely people with hard drives stacked full of recording sheets| I'm trying to do an overview sheet for curriculum coverage I want to demonstrate that the majority of EYFS areas are covered all the time at nursery and not just as isolated activites I want to map our usual day showing how each aspect of our 'normality' ties into the development matters areas. For example, for children, knowing that you have your own peg, with your name on it and with a little bag to put your 'treasures from home' in bolsters self esteem and enhances their feeling of self worth when we have our circle time and they can collect their treasure and share it with the rest of…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 4 replies
Hi Guys, Happy New Year to you all. Does anyone have a staff policy regarding only one member of staff taking holiday at once. i.e If someone books a weeks holiday NO ONE else can take that time off. Thanks