Observation, Assessment and Planning
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Nursery Progress Monitor Tool
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi Is anyone using the progress monitor tool to collate childre's assessments against development matters. i have just been told to use this, given the instructions to follow and to be honest, I don't really understand what to record in the comments boxes. Any suggestions/advice would be really appreciated. Many thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Introducing Parents To Eyfs
by Guest- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hi there, I am having an Early Years foundation stage forum to introduce my parents to Nursery. I will be discussing how and what their child learns at Nursery and giving them examples of learning- introducing them to the developmental stages of the EYFS and the areas of learning. I will talk about the value and importance of outdoor play and providing examples of how they can support and extend their child's learning at home I thought I would begin with a questionnaire to find out what the parents know. I thought that I would write simple statements and allow them tick whether they agree/ disagree /unsure to get an understanding of what is known already. A fe…
Eyfs Development Matters
by Guest- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi..... How do you map steps against the EYFS Development matters? Do you cross reference your observations with the development matters? Do you use the development mattters when planning next steps ? Thank you
Last reply by Helen, -
The Alphabet
by Guest- 1 reply
Several children are using the names of letters, which obviously they have been taught by their parents. Does anyone have a letter they give to parents to encourage them to use letter sounds? These children are interested in letters so we are trying to introduce the sounds when they arise. We also do activities from Phase 1 Letters and Sounds. Anita
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
How To Encourage Updating Folders Regularly 1 2
by Guest Spiral- 44 replies
Wow, holiday, holiday I'm over the moon - forget the weather I can cope, it's just great to be on holiday! Easter's here and one staff member has saved up three weeks worth of long observations, post it notes and a range of photos she's printed out too!!! I'm concerned and really need to encourage her and a couple of others to update a bit more regularly, however....I know how hard it is to find time to complete the folder work. I have managed to work out we can pay roughly one hour per week for each key person to get the work done as an incentive, but I don't want that to b e taken advantage of. Any suggestions - have you found a way of getting the s…
- 20 replies
Hi all, Nice crisp cold morning! Does anyone have an open door garden policy that wouldn't mind sharing? We keep our garden doors open from 9am - 5pm so children have a free choice if they wish to play in the garden, however now the colder weather is upon us I know some parents are going to have a problem with their children playing outside all day - a policy however, should fix this problem Thanks x
Help With Daily Routine
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi I'm an NQT and I'm new to nursery. I've survived (and loved!) my first half-term as the class teacher in a school-based nursery, but I'm not entirely satisfied with our daily routine. I carried on with a lot of the previous teacher's practices, but I'm not sure that they're working for these children. I'm considering introducing a rolling snack system rather than the whole-class snack time that we have at the moment. While I see the benefits of having a whole-class snack, I'm finding that my children are becoming unsettled during this time. My TAs are very sceptical - they told me that the previous teacher tried a continuous snack system and it didn't work, m…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
- 19 replies
Hello everyone. Just having a think about our planning and we very rarely actually do much of what is planned - due to children wanting certain things out free play etc etc. So was thinking maybe we would be better to plan bits of the session - i.e adult led activity and child target initiated activites but leave the rest blank to be filled in as a reflection of the day. Does anyone do anything like this, or tried already? any thought/comments please. x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_20359, -
- 8 replies
Hi, I'm new to teaching nursery this year ,and not sure if i'm doing it right.Would anyone mind telling me the routine of their nursery session please.Thanks in advance! Vicky x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_18910, -
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi, in our Preschool we used to take the children who were going to school that september up into a different room that we call a classroom. There they have older toys more age appropriate and sit on a carpet to read a story and do day, date, weather board. They then do a focus craft before playing. We used to do this to help prepare them for school, parents love it but OFSTED are not keen as it is not centered on free choice or child interests. When the children are in the classroom they are away from the main free play playroom with outdoor area so do not have access to this outdoor play for the time they are in the classroon (40 mins). It is becoming a bit of an argum…