Observation, Assessment and Planning
2,787 topics in this forum
Continuous Provision
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi everyone, I am having a re-vamp in all areas of continuous provision in my reception classroom. I am just wondering whether you could put any pictures on of your areas as I am having a little trouble coming up with ideas. Thank you in advance as I know there will be some fantastic photos out there xxx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13401, -
Early Learning Goals
by Guest- 15 replies
Please take a look here but be quick as this site is only available until July 2005. There are some documents you can down load with long term planning for the ELG's.HERE For the home page Home page New site My Webpage
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2776, -
by Guest- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Our preschoolers are currently obsessed with prison/jail and locking people up! We want to therefore go with this interest....any of you wonderful people got any activity ideas or role play ideas? need to kick start my brain into action! Jellytots
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
Reading Scheme
by Guest- 8 replies
We're looking to buy some new reading books and would like some that link in with phase 2 of letters and sounds, both the sounds taught and the tricky words. Can anybody recommend any?
- 8 replies
We have 4 staff between 2 playrooms and the garden, the children are aged 2-5 years in a free flow environment -its is so very hard to deploy the staff and get activities and observations done as well as nappies/routines done etc Can you please explain to me your staff roles throughout the session ie do you have a designated member of staff observing the target children, doing focus activities etc thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
Support In Observing
by Guest- 2 replies
When I worked in a nursery the staff had a keyring listing the development matters for each age group does any one have a copy of something like this they would like to share? Im a bit rusty and I think this would help alot when I start childminding. thank you Adele
Kirklees Subscription Not Renewed
by Guest- 4 replies
Just to see if there are any fellow kirklees employees out there, am really disappointed that I had an email confirming that kirklees are not renewing membership to this forum, for many professionals and early years practitioners, particulary those in single entry classes who are only reception teacher etc in school, this website offers a life line and a wealth of support. I will email them to express my disappointment but would welcome some support from others who may feel the same
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Observation Proforma
by Guest babyjane31- 7 replies
Hoping you wonderfull people can help, I have been hunting high and low for a proforma for ABC observations anyone have one that they can share please
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
Behavioural Support/ideas
by Guest- 3 replies
just need some support, ideas, suggestion and / or words of wisdom, currently have two children in nursery with concerning behavioural difficulties, doing the usual, praising good beh, time out, PSED stories using puppets and bears etc, but at mo, one member of staff has to shadow one child to ensure that he doesnt hurt others or himself. very poor concentration span and he really doesnt understand right/wrong, 2 mins after time out etc he repeats behaviour. Am going to begin a log to observe frequency of behaviour etc etc, but does anyone have any ideas also we use tambourine to signal end of session and to inform kids that it is tidy up time, but not totally eff…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19782, -
Deputy Manager Interview
by Guest- 7 replies
Firstly sorry if this is being posted in the wrong place!! I have an interview for a deputy manager position this week and I am soooo nervous. The post is not in my current setting. Has anyone any idea as to what kind of questions I may be asked apart from the usual strengths/weaknesses. I have been a supervisor now for about 4/5 years and know I am more than ready and able to do the dm job but just nervous about the interview! Any tips would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139,