Observation, Assessment and Planning
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- 16 replies
Hi folks. I am thinking about the new term and would really like some good, jolly, NEW songs to sing with my pre-school (age 2-5). I know there are lots of website suggestions but to be honest there are just so many I don't know where to start! great if you want a particular topic maybe... So I though I would ask everyone for their TOP song/nursery rhyme that goes down well in their setting, . Looking forward to some great suggestions!! just a quick edit to say ---- maybe something from your own childhood??
Last reply by AnonyMouse_705, -
Need A Song?
by Guest- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hi does anyone have a suitable song for not hurting others and using our hands for caring type of thing. We have some children who push, hit ect and I just wanted a song about ' Hands are not for hurting' Any other tips on cutting down on this type of behavious would also be welcome Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2776, -
Stimulating Setting
by Guest- 19 replies
Hey guys, Haven't posted for a while but always here to get tips. Well I have completed my NQT year and now have my wings so to speak! I have been given nursery to run from september, and I an delighted. However our foundation stage is having a massive overhaul by a new phase leader (who has never worked in early years) she is energetic and enthusiastic and just what the foundation stage needs. Phase leader is looking at chancging everything paper work wise and thats fine by me, but she wants me to completly transform nursery environment. I have started to put in areas of learning now and islands rather than heve everything against walls which the children seem to really…
- 6 replies
Looking for a copy of the eyfs that someone ( sorry, can't remember who it was, otherwise i'd be able to find the post!) had typed out, with all the aes, from babies onwards. Any ideas please??
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1469, -
Nursery Timetable
by Guest- 11 replies
Hi again (this is becoming a habit..!) Today I've been thinking about the timetable for my nursery class and the appropriate balance of child-initiated and adult-focused activities. Would one AF activity per day be enough (focusing on a different area of learning each day)? How do you ensure that you work with every child? I read that another poster chooses 6 focus children each week - is this what others would suggest? Or should I even be 'forcing' the children to take part in any activities at all - should it all be about what interests them? Different writers seem to suggest different things... Sorry for all the questions. The more I think about everything, th…
Reflective Journals
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi, I've been doing some reading about the Reggio approach and they talk about staff using a 'reflective journal' in each room. Does anyone do this and... When do you find time to record your thinking? What sort of things do you write and how does it feed back into the planning process? From my reading it seemed that this was more to reflect staff thoughts than comment on children's abilities. Anyone know what the heck I'm talking about?????
by Guest- 23 replies
Hi I was wondering what other people have on their display boards at the start of a new term. I've got six boards in my new classroom, and I don't want them to be bare when the children come in. At the same time, I'm not sure what to put up as the children obviously haven't produced anything to display yet. I was thinking of having a welcome display with photos of the staff, and eventually photos of the children. I might also have a display about the EYFS and eventually add annotated photos of the children in the classroom. Other than that, should I stick with some generic literacy/numeracy/topic-based displays for the time-being? Thanks!
Mark-making Area/zone
by Guest- 24 replies
Hi everyone, After some inspiration and hopefully a brain wave................................or 2!!!!!! I am in a pack away setting and probably like some of you, using these school hols to plan and implement new ideas. One of the areas I would like to improve is mark- making, I would like to provide the children with more mark-making resources and materials that are easily accessible and easy to store, set-up and pack away. It has always been done using a white vegetable trolley-rack thingy on wheels (It's hideous!!!, but I like the wheels???) that basically contains 2 pots of felt-tips, scissors broken crayons and some pencils and a grey storage 3 d…
Medium Term Without The Topic?
by Guest- 10 replies
Could anyone tell me how they plan medium term without a topic basis please? We have stuck with the topic approach, using it as a basis for adding new stimulus really, but recently we've found we use it less and less. Although this generally means that the children have been absorbed in their own play, it does mean that we can be lacking in the adult led area. If I haven't planned in advance I find it difficult to set up an effective adult led activity. Its getting the balance right. be interesed in anyones ideas - please!!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4562, -
- 24 replies
does anyone know if there's a tracker for phase 1 phonics or has anyone devised one themselves. I want to show clear links from our observations of the children to how their next steps identified from these obs are incorporated in to our planning. How is everyone doing this? ifanyone would mind uploading there examples or sheets that they use I wouldbe much appreciated. This is fairly new to our team with new inexperienced staff of phonics so i'm trying to incorporate sumthing simple but effective at show good links.