Observation, Assessment and Planning
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Nursery Teacher Interview
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi everyone! Just seeing if I can pick your fantastic brains! I've got an interview for a school Nursery Teacher on Tuesday and as part of the interview I have to do a 15min activity with 8 children, I haven't any idea of what sort of thing to do at all and wondered if anyone had some good ideas or successful activies they have done?? I currently teach in a pre~school but my mind has gone blank and I really want to impress! Any suggestions would be great! Thank you!
Creche / Nursery Planning
by Guest- 0 replies
Does anyone have any good examples of creche or Nursery daily planning formats they are willing to share?
- 6 replies
If so are they useful as I am looking to make things easier for my staff
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Developmen Matters Overview
by Guest- 11 replies
Hi, Anyone know where i can find a one page A4 at a glance summary of the ages and stages to use as and highlight for each Preschooler going to school. We use more detailed pages to highlight which equates to about 22 pages of A4 for each child. I'm looking for a simplistic overview. Thanks
- 7 replies
Just wondered if anyone had an views.... One of our parents has asked for some advice for her 2 1/2 year old... she is showing some tendencies towards left handedness and I've advised her that children can switch and not show a true preference until later on... but she is wondering whether to encourage the use of scissors in her left hand or her right or does it not matter? I'm left handed myself and would say that it is really important to use left handed scissors and be shown how to cut out anti-clockwise... but what if the child hasn't got a preference? Any views would be gratefully received! Thanks
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi everyone Can any of you lovely people help me? I become a leader in september and have spent the last few months updating everything as it was well overdue. Now my focus this term is Learning Journals and concentrating on key workers. We have done both loosely over the last few months. But we desperatly need a assesmement bit. Anyone any help where to start or where i can find one please? We have children from 2 1/2 years to 4 years and then the children leave to join reception class
Last reply by Helen, -
- 8 replies
Hi there,just wondered if anyone out there willing to share simple science experiments that have been tried and tested ( or well just have a go and see what happens!!) for us to observe ch's understanding of cause and effect etc etc. Have researched and so far got making bubbles, making sherbet, adding oil to puddles, gloop, making slime etc, I have large whisks in water area etc but just wanted something a bit more exciting and fancied doing some fun summer science!!!!!!!!! any ideas welcome or send me to previous forums .... cheers
by Guest- 4 replies
I have been working with my class on the topic of Dinosaurs. It has moved onto the children wanting to find out about volcanoes. Obviously with it being in the news the cildren are interested. Has any one done this as a mini topic that would be prepared to share some planning ideas?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8623, -
Growing Vegetables!
by Guest- 3 replies
Hello everyone! I was wondering if anybody could help.... after half term we are going to start planting in our vegetable bed outdoors - has anybody got any lovely actvities to follow on / around this theme? ... we have already done a little on healthy eating would be grateful for your ideas xxxx thank you!
Adult Led Activities
by Guest- 4 replies
I'm working in a new council area, and I'm not used to their rules lol, now I know EYFS says we should have a mix of child initiated and adult led activities, but our advisory teacher says we can't call them activities, it has to be experiences!! Does anyone plan particular "experiences" in their short term planning? We're using the room story 1 and 2 for our birth to three age range, and I'd like to see the staff planning adult led activities (experiences!!!!!!), is this someone we can do? It's something I did in the last nursery however it was in a different LEA!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13532,