Observation, Assessment and Planning
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Learning Diaries
by Guest- 2 replies
We currently have a 'system' in place for recording progress, However i am always looking for new ideas and ways to improve. I am interested in how other setttings record their childrens progress to see if i can adapt what we are currently doing. Please share...
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 1 reply
Hello I am just wondering if anyone can help me. I am currently re-thinking our pre-school room layout and to ease confusion for children, staff & Parent helpers, i would like to laminate sheets that give information about our areas of continous provision. I have previously found some on here, but i have sat here for ages and although i have gained lots of other fab tips, i still haven't found them. Can any of you direct me please? Thank you X
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi, When I child is able to do 10/15/25 piece puzzles which statements of the EYFS development matters do you think it relates to?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
by Guest- 1 follower
- 15 replies
i need to plan a baking activity for all of the children. The children decided they wanted to make biscuits tomorrow. I need to write up a plan, detailing what the children will get out of it in all the areas of learning and development. Has anyone got a simply plan or any imput would be greatly recieved. Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8914, -
- 1 follower
- 15 replies
Hi, Sorry I have lots more questions on this. I can see that a learning journey would go home with the child and be completed by the parent as well, but surely if practitioners also have to fill this in, as well as the profile, they are effectively duplicating the job that they do? Our staff find it hard to get time to do the profiles, let alone something else. We haven't tried out learning journeys on our parents yet, too many other changes going on, too much paperwork for staff to do already. Are we going to get slated for this? Are we missing something vital? Is there any reason why profiles could not do both these jobs? I appreciate that some parents m…
- 5 replies
I really hope someone will be able to clear my very muddled mind, I have confused myself as well as my colleagues by thinking, reading, analysing too much about CIL!!! We have finally come up with a workable planning system which allows everyone to input individual child's interests, development needs, small amount of adult-led activities linking into profiles.... in a way we can all understand and work with!! However, I also want to be able to record some areas of CIL but am struggling to get my head around what it is, explain it to others in a meaningful way! and I'm certain I should be able to! I know it's more that just children grabbing the boxes o…
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Hi I am after a system of recording and keeping work. How do you do yours? At the moment we have an observation system/folder and a portfolio of children work. We were thinking of combining the two, but staff are worried about having to re write obs to go into the child's file rather than keeping them for their own use. So confused and struggling to find an effective way of doing things. Please help!!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8282, -
Too Much Messy Play Or Not Enough?
by Guest- 16 replies
I would really appreciate your wise words. I am getting in a complete muddle with how much creative/messy activities to put out each week/day. This is what we currently do: Every day - Playdough Sand/water Pritt stick Junk modelling Each week - Painting easel one week, PVA the next Cooking/adult lead painting (if not easel week) The staff would like more messy play - each day and in addition the painting easel each day. So today I found myself putting out sand, playdough, gloop, painting easel and a sticking table. Then standing looking at it and screaming, because of course, there has to be all the other areas and activites to provide. …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1490, -
Sorry Letters Again!
by Guest- 7 replies
Ok I have been using Letters and Sounds Phase 1 with my nursery children, I use the games and it is all delivered through play and interest of the children. HOwever I have been feeling under pressure by some (parents and one member of staff) to do more sounds stuff - and so I bowed to pressure and began this week doing letters of the week, this week being a and b and we talked a lot about it during the session, i worked with one of my key children to ascertain his understanding.....I had put a poster on the door explaining to parents that we would be doing this 'sound' stuff and after the session today two parents asked my WHY? they were not happy for their children to be…
Trying Out Free Flow
by Guest- 6 replies
We are trying out freeflow in our preschool. We have gained alot of information from viewing other settings. We have two rooms plus an outdoor area. The staff are keen but nervous. The children took a time to accept they can move freely from room to room and outside. Lots of energy and running about but good role play and imaginary play are being observed. Any ideas on room layout or any advice you can offer on freeflow would be greatly received. xx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_20748,