Observation, Assessment and Planning
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White Salt Dough
by Guest- 4 replies
Does anyone know how to make white salt dough to fit in with our winter theme? I've never seen any white food colouring and ordinary salt dough is a yellowish colour.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Bright 3 Year Olds!
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi Help needed! I am EYFS co-ordinator at my school ( just out of the otherside of an inspection - this week - yippee!!!!!) and work in Reception. We have a nursery which is split into Rising 3's and those who will join reception this September. My colleague with the youngest nursery children has a little girl who has just joined who can count like there's no tomorrow, recognising all her numbers to 20 and knows all her letter sounds. My colleague does not want to push her, but equally wants to ensure that her needs are being met and that she is suitably stimulated. Any ideas? Socially she seems to be a very happy and contented little girl who mixes well. Any help…
Information For Parents Of Eyfs
by Guest lilpil- 8 replies
Good morning!! Was hoping someone could help me! Has anyone got a information sheet/s for parents explaining the EYFS. We do have something which we give out to parents but is on many, many pages and the cost of photocopying it each time a new child starts is just getting silly! I would really like a condenced version on 1 or 2 pages which just outlines the EYFS for parents. I have tried forum search but am getting no where fast. Please help would be most grateful. (oh and hope I have made some sort of sense).
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 4 replies
Ever feel like your getting nowhere fast or nowhere at all !! Please help - Ive spent the day doing planning- well what a waste of a day! Im now really confused and have probably looked at it too long! Long term plan- We have - continious provision sheets in each area of provision - a plan showing the celebration festival events etc The plan also shows loose themes we are going to cover ie Seasons, Ourselves in September and so on- my question is- do you show on your long term plan what areas of learning you will be covering relating to such themes, events etc Medium term plan Do you have a medium plan? If not how do you link long term into shor…
- 5 replies
Just wondered if anyone has any good ideas for circle times activities to encourage less reluctant children speak, I have a lovely nursery, organised in small areas to promote personal social, small carpet groups for teaching but still have two children who are very shy and wont speak. I guess it is small steps, just wondered if anyone has any nice ideas thanks
- 3 replies
I am trying to find some interesting music- both classical, modern etc which I can download legally to play for music and movement times. I am trying to find free sites as funds are very tight. I have spent days going rouund in circles. Hope you can help
Native Americans
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi, we are exploring countries around the world this term and Native americans is something we as a team thought it would be good to explore with the children. I had ideas about making indian headresses and making life size teepees etc, however, I keep coming across websites saying you should not do these things in a "respectful" setting as it can be seen as mickey taking. Now I feel a bit stuck for ideas if we are to be "respectful". i do my best to respect each culture as we look at them but now feel a bit lost as to how to integrate crafts etc with this whilst still being respectful! Jo
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
- 1 reply
does anyone have any suggestions for activities to encourage shy children to socialise and make friends with the other children.
- 1 reply
Hi We are venturing out on our super hero topic, but i was looking for ideas to enhance sand and water play> any ideas?
Activities Using Differentiation
by Guest- 0 replies
Hi its been a while since i have been on but missed it so much i had to renew my membership, as I need all your help again please. I am working in nursery and been observed again! What i need help with is what will they be actually be looking for and will i need to work with individual ability groups or can i choose to work with say 4 children of mixed ability at the same time. I know that i have to show on the planning how i would work with different children according to their ability and taking into account any SEN. Will this be enough or what are they looking for? Can anyone give me any ideas or help, many thanks. Chris x x !