Observation, Assessment and Planning
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- 1 reply
Does anyone know any good books to reinforce golden rules, expectations for children in pre-school settings.
- 0 replies
Oooh really need some help and inspiration on the whole obs, assessment and planning system. I feel like i have lost the plot! Lost my purpose and meaning for it all
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2821, -
- 1 reply
Help! some of the children are really keen in army at the moment but I'm stuk for ideas on activities. We've got an army tent, action ment etc but am stuk for creative ideas, books etc.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_15046, -
Levels Of Involvement And Well-being
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi, I'm just trying to set up a planning and observation system fro the children that I nanny for. Now I have found some sheets that forms that I can use to fill in. There is a space on the forms to put a number for levels of involvement and well-being. I have found out the numbers for these and what they mean but can't find out anything about R.A.G (red, amber, green i think). Does anybody know where I can find out which numbers relate to which colour and then what I do with this information e.g. if a child was showing up red what would I do, or do I just need to be aware of it?? Sorry I hope this makes sense, it's so hard trying to find out information as a…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8623, -
- 7 replies
Ok, here's the situation.. I have a child in my setting who is incredibly creative with both natural and man made resources and construction, spontaneously makes pictures and faces with his fruit at snack time. However he particiaptes very little in imaginative play and when he does utilise the role play it's to write menus, invitations etc. I have yet to see him play with the musical instruments and he doesn't play with small world or make up narratives. He was 4 in septmber and also attends another setting. When I'm completing his learning and devt record he comes up at 40-60mths + for some and I'm unable to 'score' him on others which gives anunrealsitic result. …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5458, -
Parent Assessment Forms
by Guest- 10 replies
Hello All - Happy New Year!! I am thinking of implementing Parent Assessment form into my Preschool Room. Does anyone have one already that they could share, to give me an idea of what to put on it Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3393, -
Activities For Psrn
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi Everyone I am currently on placement in a nursery and i have to plan some activities for Problem Solving Reasoning and Numeracy and I seem to already used all my ideas last term so i was wondering if anyone had any small group PSRN activities for me? according to my guidence it doesnt have to be linked to any topic but i want to be able to appeal to the new starters aswell as the older children. Thanx for your help
Hey Don't Forget!
by Guest- 4 replies
I expect all you clever lot have already remembered but in the resource library - don't forget there are a lot of good ideas in the topic support section for 'SNOW AND ICE' - just to give you a bit more to do...... Thought I would remind you as I just rembered and it gave me a few other ideas.......
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8623, -
- 4 replies
Hi This may seem a really stupid question but here goes - How do you record what you reflect? Last time our EYFSA was in she said we needed to record how we reflect on our practice (not through SEF). I know we all do this on a daily basis, see something isn't working and change it or something working really well and a make a mental note to do it again but do any of you record this in anyway? And if you do how do you do it, at the moment I just seem to be buried in paperwork and this seems to be one more thing to add!! Hope someone out there can point me in the direction of a nice simple answer!! Kris
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5895, -
Role Play Area - Hospital
by Guest colechin- 2 replies
Happy New Year everyone, I hope you all had a good break and are feeling refreshed. My break has been extended this week, due to the snow. We have only opened for 1 day so far! Anyway, we have set up the role play area as a Hospital. Is there anything out there that would help my new ladies in seeing the stepping stones that the children could be covering. I would like to put a list of the stepping stones up along with how they could be met. I am asking this question first before I start and type a list out. No need to invent the wheel! Look forward to your replies.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195,