Observation, Assessment and Planning
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Games, And Songs Ideas
by Guest- 3 replies
hello everyone...I would be very grateful for some little ideas for 5 minute games-just some fillers before going home time that maybe last between 5-15 minutes. I would aslo love some action CD songs that I could use. Im going to buy the Tumble Tots ones but would like to get a few more. Thank you, p.s im 29 weeks pregnant this week and I am sooooo tired.......
- 7 replies
Hi, we use a variety of Sticky Kids cd's and the children adore them - and they are quite well liked by the adults too! We would like to purchase a similar kind of thing for Xmas but the Sticky Kids christmas CD didn't seem to have good reviews on Amazon and the choice of songs didn't really grab me... Does anyone have experience, comments about this or can suggest an alternative. Many thanks again. Great forum!! :wacko:
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7120, -
- 2 replies
Hi, I prepared this and wanted to share it with you. I cannot attach the shaped cut-outs, but they are about the children's favourite things and that I included in the sheets with the sentences. The initial idea was for the parents to make a 'book' about the child, but I had attached an older letter and that was only to send the forms back to school. You can decide what to do. If you get the forms back, then you can create the Learning Journal at school at keep adding throughout the year. Cover_learning_journal.doc (the blue oblong corresponds to the place where the child's photo would go) Star_of_the_Day_documents.doc
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2776, -
- 2 replies
Hi all, I just love this forum - full of so much advice, ideas and suggestions So here's a question to ponder and offer your views on please - if you don't mind. We are in a FSU and we (the pre-school) have quite a large outdoor area. There are a variety of set things outside for the 6 areas around the area and we have a fairly open door policy throughout the day. My problem is that not all the staff are keen to go outside, especially if the weather isn't too warm! and it always takes some persuassion.. but once outside the children tend to just go off and use the bikes, water tray, physical stuff and fantasy play. sometimes a bit chaotic and not much st…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_25331, -
- 2 replies
In the Summer was reading this board & found a very interesting post about moving from topics to child led learning - I stupidly not being in work mode forgot to save the post! Someone said they were going to start with a very loose topic based on The Gruffalo and see where things led from there - I'd like to find that and get some ideas as we really have no clue where to start! We are a bit at sea with this as up until the holidays we were using topics Anny help greatfully appreciated!
Hardest Vegetable
by Guest- 1 reply
Hello there, Its that time of year again and looking for inspriation for the old Harvest assembly - any bright ideas out there? H
How Many Observations?
by Guest- 29 replies
I work in a small nursery which has 2 baby rooms, a toddler room and my Pre Scchool room. I have an Early Years Advisor who comes in every 4 months or so and the rest of the nursery have an advsior who has come in twice in the last 2 years. Following advice from my EYA the Pre School room make observations of what we feel shows the child's knowledge, interests or areas for developing and over a month try to get an obesrvation in each area of learning for each child. We (I have 2 nursery nurses) then do a fortnightly discussion sheet which we use to take 2 children each from our key groups and decide how to plan for them in an area they have interests or weaknesses. All of…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_9650, -
Childrens Interest Spiral
by Guest- 4 replies
I remember seeing on here very recently a hand drawn children's interest spiral and for the life of me I cant find it anywhere, does anyone know what I am referring to Thanks in advance Claire x
Next Steps In Nursery
by Guest- 1 follower
- 3 replies
How does everyone record next steps for nursery children aged 3 - 5? Do you have a separate evaluation sheet or do you do it on planning. I need a way of recording next steps which is simple for all nursery staff to use. Thanks
- 2 replies
Hello, I thought I'd ask as no one seams to post these and I was wondering what everyone else does?? We do 1 or 2 each week.