Observation, Assessment and Planning
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by Guest- 2 replies
2 posts in one day.......sorry everyone!! I have been thinking about the tracking that we need to implement for our preschoolers. How does everone else achieve this? I would quite like to devise a small insert to go in each childs development file (Unique Child Journey) which clearly shows and dates when each milestone has been met. Obviously creating this from scratch is going to be a time consuming process so thought I would see what others do/think first! Jellytots
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Child Case Study
by Guest- 11 replies
has anyone got any tips on what to write supposed to submitting it shortly before starting the early years professional status validation process in september. any help given would be greatly received!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_390, -
Colour Blind
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi Everyone, Please could anyone advise me if they have any assessment for a child that they may think is colour blind? I have had a look on the internet but couldn't really find anything of use. Thank you
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Nursery Daily Routine Help!
by Guest- 4 replies
Dear All, First of all thank you for all your help over the past three years, I have been a dedicated reader but this is officially my first post. I hope it works! I have been teaching in Reception or FS2 for four years now and this year I am moving to Nursery, which I have to admit frightens me slightly! I am really excited but could do with some expert advice. That's where you guys come in. My problem is the daily routine I want to avoid too many transitions and have as much child initiated time as poss but at the same time need to get adult directed/initiated time in too and breaks for the staff. Any tips on getting the balance right, without stoppin…
- 26 replies
Hi All, Please can i ask if you are paid for completing planning for your Nursery settings and where your planning is completed....... Our setting pays (at the moment) for 5 hours a week for planning which is completed at home during the weekend, we do this on a rota basis with all level 3 staff. This includes weekly, continious and focus activity planning. Unfortunatly the committee are wanting to stop the payment for this, but also do not want to give us extra time to complete it during session times...... Would like to know how others do theirs... Many thanks o40
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Keyworking Colours
by Guest- 14 replies
Hi we are just getting the kerpersons list ready for september. Do you use colours for staff members or how do you get the lists ready. Dorinda
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6795, -
What Should Rec Be Doing?
by Guest- 0 replies
Hi I wonder if any1 can help me. Im just returning back to work after materity leave and am in the process of combining rec and nursery into a FSU. I have a few ideas of how this is going to work but still have a few questions. We are going to need to pull relevant groups out of the session to complete activities that are adult led. I was just wondering is there anything that rec SHOULD be covering, that is different to nursery? The 6 areas of learning will be provided to all of the FSU with different outcomes for rec and nursery abilities. Letters and sounds are going to have to be taught to both, as is 'Leap into life' - our PE programme, but both seperate as…
- 3 replies
My nursery is in the process of changing its planning system as it's rubbish I am attempting to make a similiar style that progresses through from birth to 5years, but gets more detailed and relevant to the age group, whilst being easy to complete and understand etc. I am sturggling with the baby room template, has anyone got any examples to give me inspiration? PLEASE!!! x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 1 follower
- 27 replies
We have a big sort through of our resources planned in a couple of weeks time. This has got me thinking about how and whether our resources genuinely support child initiated learning. And as an extra issue, it has got me wondering how far the learning in our setting is child initiated, because the resources are always selected and put out by the adults. At the moment our setting is a bit 'stuck' in the resources department, with the vast majority of stuff being either toys or arts and crafts materials. I am thinking we need to get more imaginative and offer the children things like big bags of scrap material, junk modelling stuff, etc. Could anyone give me t…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
Assessment In Nursery
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi all, I am starting in Nursery after being in reception since Jan. It will be a new school and I have been told that they only use the FSPs in the last term (summer) and only the first 3 points. What does everyone else think and do?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307,