Observation, Assessment and Planning
2,787 topics in this forum
- 13 replies
Hi all wondered if anyone could help with a point that was made at our recent Ofsted. we need to "develop assessments to show children's attainment on entry" we currently have a discussion with parents and take from them where they think their children are at - we are thinking of taking the 22-36 months dev matters (children start at 2) and over the first few weeks observing them at their play against these points. What do you do? any advice greatfully recieved
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5895, -
Target Tracker In Nursery - Help!
by Guest- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Does anyone currently use this in their nursery? We are being asked to use this from September so I'd be really grateful for any tips as to how you manage all the information - I can see that it could be a really useful system but I don't want to double my workload.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5664, -
Planning Forms
by Guest- 18 replies
Hi, Im sure you are all fed up of all these questions and I get fed up of asking, but planning forms, what forms do you use is it the look, listen note sheets, do you get your keypersons to complete the weekly planning summary do you use other forms, my head is in a whirl and I thought I had finally cracked it but am having a crisis. I want to do the right thing but I dont think I am and I really feel like packing it all in, I keep changing things over, I do a focus activity once a week but dont know if I should be doing that, I try to look at my teams observations and plan from that but find it really time consuming to look over all their observations but as the supervis…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5895, -
- 5 replies
hi hope someone can help me - we recently had o in - one of their requirements was for us to communicate with other settings that our children attend. has anyone a letter or any ideas on how we can do this - so we have evidence so show ofsted that we have tried even if other setting didnt wan t to know thanks
Next Steps
by Guest Wolfie- 14 replies
I'm curious to know what exactly people understand by the term "next steps" when they are planning for individual children in their setting and how next steps are phrased when written down.... We recently had a development day for the staff at our Centre and did a lot of work around the observation-assessment-planning cycle. As part of this, we watched a ten minute clip of a child at play, following this up with discussions about evidence of learning observed and then suggestions for "next steps". All the suggestions for next steps were phrased along the lines of what the PRACTITIONER should do to develop the child's knowledge, skills and attitudes, e.g. "provide mo…
Engaging Boys In Mark Making.
by Guest- 15 replies
Any creative ideas for encouraging boys in mark making, especially outdoors I would love some fun ideas thanks Sunshine
- 10 replies
Does anyone in Herts use these cards instead of Continuous Provision Sheets? They list the development matters for each area, and are good and helpful, but a few of us feel they don't relate as much information as the C/P plans we have seen on here. There's no list of resources, activity ideas, links to the EYFS aspects, vocabulary, questions or look,listen and note boxes; so I just wondered what other settings did, the few I've chatted with have been told they don't need C/P's as all the info they need are on these Potential Learing cards and doing C/P's would be uneccessary extra paperwork. I would really appreciate any feedback. Karrie
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Eyfs Statements
by Guest- 9 replies
hi everyone is there any literature or books out there that will help me understand the eyfs statements .not qualified yet and really struggling just wondered if any of your settings had any information that helped students understand and give examples of the statements.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3975, -
Sead And Long Term Planning
by Guest- 10 replies
Like many of us, I guess, I'm currently working on next year's Long Term Planning. I wnat to incorporate SEAD for the first time. As there are 6 booklets I wondered about focussing on one for each term [half term] starting with 'New Beginnings' in September. We've had some training on it but the main focus was transition so didn't help much in that sense. Has anyone else thought along these lines yet? Or if anyone from a school setting has insight, having used SEAL before?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
- 16 replies
Hi, I wondered whether anyone had any suggestions for monitoring where the children play when using a free flow system. Presumably we should have some kind of system in place so that we can tell whether they are covering all the areas of learning or tending to stick to one activity? My worry is that the ride ons are very popular and that some children might play mainly with those and miss out on other things. Also are we meant to ensure that they do spend some time indoors, or is it okay if they stay outside most of the time so long as the activities outside will cover everything? And how do you balance child initiated learning with the need to cover the whole o…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2776,