Observation, Assessment and Planning
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Think I Know But Not 100% Sure...
by Guest- 4 replies
Can someone just clarify what this statement means: 'Begin to break the flow of speech into words' ? Thanks ppp
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11962, -
Progress Monitor Tool
by Guest- 8 replies
i have just completed on the national strategies website an e-learning course on how to use the tool, however when i then downloaded it to use, i couldn't becuase of macros? i have never heard of these- does anyone know what to do, or how i can access it another way!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
Am I A Little Too Specific?
by Guest- 7 replies
OK I am out on a limb this is my planning - any good? Your comments please? I have recently tweaked the format and would like some feedback - good or bad, I can take it.......thank you. WEEKLY_PLAN.doc
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
by Guest- 17 replies
Does anyone do any specific assessment for the identifying developmental delay? I know we have EYFS developmental matters but not sure how robust this is as a tool for identifying developmental delay - the kind that may benefit from some early intervention of some kind from other professionals? I am thinking of things like speech and language delay and autism. There was a web site I found that said that in America a lot of developmental delay is not being picked up before school age - is that the same here does anyone know? Any references or relevant websites on this would be great - I had a quick look on the EYFS website and couldn't find anything but perhaps I did…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Outdoor Area Again!
by Guest- 1 reply
Hello everyone......it can't possibly get any hotter. I have looked at lots of websites now while planning for my outdoor area. I have found some wonderful canopies on a website called www.zenithcsl.com. Im a bit stuck now for little extra things to order like things for PSRN. I would be very grateful for any extra ideas that any of you have done in your outdoor area. Thank you, thank you, thank you! xxxx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19920, -
Questionnaire For New Parents
by Guest- 5 replies
Hello everyone Forgive me - I am being lazy but it is too hot to be on the computer. I am just updating our new parent's questionnaire for September and I thought I'd check out postings here. I know they are there somewhere........ Please would you point me in the right direction ... someone? Thank you v much.
- 7 replies
Hi all, Does anyone out there have in place a questionnaire that they use to assess the effectiveness of transitions to other settings (either the move up to school or a move to a different EY setting?). I need to devise one but was wondering if anyone has an example that may help me to polish things up a bit... Also, does anyone give questionnaires out to families that leave their setting to go elsewhere? Thanks in advance, DDC.
Outdoor Area
by Guest- 10 replies
Hello everyone. Im currently in the middle of developing my outdoor area and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on particular catalogues that have canopys, shades etc.Or just catalogues that you have ordered from in the past-for outdoor toys. I would also love some advice on a list or some examples of things that you have in your outdoor area. Thank you. P.s im pregnant and now allowed to tell everyone! Im due in December. Would love to hear when the usual time is to finish work in our line of work for maternity leave........
Adult Focus Sheets
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi was wondering if anyone had an example of an adult focus evaluation sheet I could have a look at. As a group we do not do many adult led activities anymore, as we plan from childrens interests. We do however occasionally have adult led activities such as displays, festivals, etc and at moment we are not really recording any outcomes, observations etc. I have been looking online for some examples but not being very sucessful. Could someone point me in correct direction or possibly let me have a look at what they are using. Thanks so much.
by Guest- 5 replies
Hello all, One of my children has asked if we can make masks next week - fabulous, I thought, a child initiated activity! Just wondering if anyone has a good idea for mask making, I can easily find animal templates on t'internet but wondered if anyone has done a mask activity that is very creative and enjoyable? All ideas gratefully received! ppp