Observation, Assessment and Planning
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Letters And Sounds
by Guest- 14 replies
Morning! I am a bit confused and hoping for some guidance and advice!! Basically, I work in a preschool. At the moment, there is nothing in place which offers children the chance to learn about letters and sounds. I am very keen to start this! I was thinking of introducing the alphabet one letter a week and encouraging the children to bring in items frm home beginning with that letter (done in alphabetical order) Also, playing the alphabet song during sessions too. I am also keen to start the Jolly Phonics programme. My confusion is that I dont know whether it would be better to introduce the letters in the format that the jolly phonics provides or in the alp…
- 3 replies
Hi everyone, I was evaluating some observations yesterday, using the development matters. But I got a bit stuck on some of them! And was wondering if anyone could offer me any help? My first observation was of a group of children in the playhouse, making dinner for Santa. I was talking to them about what Santa does, and one child said that he comes down the chimney, and so this boy looks up at the ceiling, and says "But there's no chimney" I thought this would come under KUW 5 - Notices differences between features of the local environment ? Secondly, a group of children were stood at the window and we were talking about where they lived. A child points out…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_14021, -
- 8 replies
Hi all, I'm new to this forum and just had to join cos it looks like loads of good advice going on out there and am hopng some can cme my way. I hope this doesn't sound too daft and I'm probably asking the obvious but I'm really struggling with how you feed children's interests into your planning (i.e. what your planning proformas look like, how much information they include and where you start - do you start with a planned 'themed' activity at start of the week, have a dscussion with the children an then build on it - or does it all come from CIP?? I get the principles of it, it' just puttng it into practice that I am struggling with. I understand the continuous and en…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 13 replies
Hi all I'm on my second placement for my eyps and I need to have more coontact with parents (whilst hopefully initiating a change ) The nursery is lovely but what I've noticed is parents wait in the foyer whilst their child is collected, the staff rotate the staff member on duty (lots of good relationships). I am looking to create?? a sheet to go home along the lines of what have you done at the weekend. With a view to this being included in the child's learning journey. I'm not think of 1 every week, perhaps each child having 1 a term/half term. I was going to send home a blank form together with a 'pretend' completed form to show how hopefully simple…
Planning - Different Types
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi Could you help me please, my mind is now staring to aching I'm trying to sort out planning as a chair person, regarding EYFS We at present use Continuous provision and then say for Christmas use another continuous form with Christmas additions. Each child has their own PLOD Weekly continuous plans for each area, with column for adult initiated, child initiated activities. And we use adult led activity plan and annotation sheets Together with each child’s learning story I need advice as to whether we are missing anything out Sam
- 5 replies
Hi All I am looking for a basic letter and sounds planning sheet to be used in a nursery 0-5 years all the ones I have found seem a little complex for our age groups does any kind person out there have any that they would be willing to share.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
Daily Routine
by Guest- 10 replies
Hi we are thinking about increasing to 3hrs. We are in a scout hall, one large room and all activities have to be put away at the end (like many others I'm sure). I was wondering how your sessions were planned out? We have a specific snack time not a rolling snack bar and would like to keep it that way if possible. Could you please give me som examples of how your session is planned out and any oyher advice please?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_10355, -
- 0 replies
This is one of those things I can probably get my head round if I spend long enough pondering it but thought there might be some of you with more expereince who could give me some tips. I work in a school nursery so have traditionally planned for 5 sessions each week and repeated these for the separate morning and afternoon sessions. We are now able to offer parents a range of ways to take up their 15 hours and wraparound care in addition. So I now have some children who continue to attend the 5 morning or afternoon sessions, others who attend part time but not every day, and others who attend full days. So I would love any tips / things i need to consider wh…
Learning Journeys?
by Guest- 8 replies
Good afternoon everybody and Happy New Year. Im sure you can help me. I went back to work today (Nursery teacher in a private school) and discovered that we now have 31 children in our class and that means 31 learning journeys. Does anybody have any advice on what you do for your evidence of observations. We currently do Learning Journeys for each child and they are great but very time consuming. I need an alternative method-if possible, to save time. xxxxxxx
- 8 replies
Hi... I need some advice on Adult led activities please... I have just had an argument with my TA about these: she says i shouldnt have the children sitting in groups doing activities because they are too little, and that during an activity we should just pull individuals to come and do the tasks and work one to one with them. I have been trying to explain to her that it is important for children to work in small groups and that the discussion part of the task is really important. That task in question was to do with jack and hjill... i drew some wells on the computer and the idea was for the children to have a discussion with the adult about jack and jil…