Observation, Assessment and Planning
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- 11 replies
Sad isnt it that Im sitting here thinking about planning on a saturday night, along with you by the sounds of it wolfie! Would anyone be able to attach a copy of their completed weekly planning for me to look at please. I looked at ours today and like Hali I cnt seem to see how ours is connecting. Even though we've had a few months to settle down dont seem to be going forward with planning- What a suprise! thanks x
Music Observation Help!
by Guest- 5 replies
hi, can nayone help me. i have moved into our nursery from year 1. i am being observed by my head teacher on wednesday. can anyone give me a good idea for a music lesson?? or some good ideas that i can use. really appreciate it. thanks ali x
by Guest- 2 replies
Just to change the subject completely could anyone please confirm how often observations need to be completed. I am a registered childminder and working within the EYFS. Any help would be appreciatied. If this needs to be removed to another area could someone please do this for me. Still new to this site. Kiverpool18
- 6 replies
Hi there, I run a Day care and After school unit for children from the age of 3 months to 6 years. I am ok with planning the curriculum for 3-6 year olds, but I am in the dark about planning curriculum for babies and toddlers. Can someone help please? Thanks in advance! Padma
Observations In Learning Journeys
by Guest- 5 replies
Was wondering how many observations everyone is putting in their learning journeys. I seem to have a few spontaneous ones, and a couple of planned ones for each child, and am unsure as to include all of them or just a couple from each area of learning. Sorry if this has been discussed and I've missed it, but would appreciate others intentions, many thanks, jackie.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11548, -
Assessing Pupil's Progress
by Guest- 3 replies
We had a staff meeting this week about APP and I just wondered what you all thought. I know getting rid of SATS at key stage 2 is good but part of me still feels there is still too much over assessing. Alongside all the other assessment at school they want to make it similar too eyfs, so each classroom is going to have a log for observations and post its and if the Ta notices anything she has to write it down on a post it.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
- 2 replies
Hi, Just wondering how you are planning for letters and sounds? How do you write it in your planning? (I work in a school nursery 3-4 year olds) Thanks, Green hippo xx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4562, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Dear all l came across a thread (in the observation forum i think) a few days ago, where a lovely lady posted her plan for the baby room where they linked the babies experiences at home to their plans for next steps in line with the new curriculum, but i cannot locate this thread, i have spent hours trying and it is literally hurting my head, i would be most grateful if someone here can help please. Thanks
Last reply by Helen, -
Eyfs Observations And Parents
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi - everyone . I am after some help !!! We are well under way with our Learning Journey Books and have a space on our observation sheet for Parents views and feedback . I am just wondering if anyone has a sort of explanation of observations for parents and what they are and why we do them, what CLL, PD......ect all are . Than you in advance for sharing _Lizzy
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
Activity Idea
by Guest- 3 replies
hey any ideas for activities for counting in twos and tens, struggling abit!!! thanks x