Observation, Assessment and Planning
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Display Boards
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi everyone, I have been given some money to develop display spaces in school - whoopee! BUT, I cannot find the type of board I need, only those I don't want! I want the type of board that you can put work onto with a staple gun, as we have now. Most boards I can find are for push pins only, very thin board too. Do you get your boards made? If so, from what are they made? The ones we have are old but sturdy but no-one knows from where they came! Can anyone help? Thanks in advance, Jenni
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
Eyfs Assessment
by Guest- 0 replies
Hi just getting back into all this after being off for 16 months maternity leave. I am getting to grips slowly! with the eyfs however I wondered if someone could attach me a eyfs assessment profile? I wasn't sure if these had changed or if it depends on where you live eg county wise - thanks for any help !! x
- 6 replies
Hi all, Just thought I would start a discussion (if anyone is interested) on the use of the learning journey sheets from the EYFS - what are people's experience of using these now we're 1/2 a term in? How do you use them? Currently we are doing 4 per week (2 each from key group) - which means 1 per half term per child. We use these and other incidental obs from the week (and previous weeks) to plan 1 or 2 activities/enhancements/support for these children - making sure the activities/enhancements will also appeal to others. I would also be interested in hearing from people who do individual plans for each area of learning - this seems mind boggling even thinking abo…
- 14 replies
Hi everyone, This is my first post for a while (and first ever in this section - had year off on maternity leave, recently moved schools and have moved from reception to nursery! I teach in a nursery which is part of a school. There's me and a NN to 25 children. I have changed the previous teacher's planning so that I am now planning 2-3 weekly mini-topics where I list possible teacher-led activities and possible enhancements. I also include learning intentions for the 6 areas of learning which are informed by our recent observations. I then plan weekly taking into account the children's interests and needs from observations (changing learning intentions/activities…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4562, -
Book Room Continuous Provision
by Guest- 9 replies
Hmm just wondering if any of you lovely people out there have any continuous provisions planning for a book area?? I have done all my other areas and this one is looking a bit empty!
- 6 replies
Hello... right - i have kinda simplified my weekly plan and have added a space for 'next steps' where i can look at what has happened with planned learning and what the children have initiated. Please could someone have a quick look at it and tell me what they think and if i need to add anymore? Development matters / learning intentions for adult focus activities are written on my assessment/ observation sheets (which i have not added) Do i need to write them on my plan as well somewhere? Thank you so much, Tink! x complete_plans.doc
- 25 replies
Eeeeek! I have just been reading lots of posts on here about how people run their nursery to comply with EYFS and i think we are doing it wrong... We do have a MTP - we have the same MTP as Reception and we work on a 2 year rolling program Therefore we DO have topics... and i dont know anything about Key workers! How do they work?! God i am such a novice!! Please could someone explain to me? Thank you! Tink! x
3d Shape Help
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi, i'm desparately looking for some 3D shape resources any ideas would be useful as ive hit a real blank Thanks in anticipation Jo
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1999, -
Help With Planning Please!
by Guest- 1 reply
Hello all. I am after picking your brains please! On Monday evenings I lecture an NVQ level 3 group doing child care learning and development. They are a bunch of very lovely ladies! (They will be reading this so I have to say that!!!!! Just kidding) They are nearing the end of their course and we are now going to revisit any areas where they still have worries/ problems! Planning is one of those areas! As there is not one "proper" way to plan I have tried to show them a variety of types of planning and may have actually added to their confusion rather than widening their horizons!! There is much confusion over long, medium and short term plans…
Curriculum Overview Sheet
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi - does anybody have a sheet with the development matters / elg's already typed out - a sort of overview if you like (for the 30-50/40-60mths). We need something like this to go into our planning files so that we can ensure coverage acrooss the year/ Thought i would see if anybody can point me in the right direction for finding one before i begin typing it up. Thanks xxxx