Observation, Assessment and Planning
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Nursery Planning 1 2
by Guest- 51 replies
Im sorry, I know that this topic has been covered lots of times but for some reason when I was at work today, I suddenly felt unhappy with our planning and would appreciate some advice! We are a Nursery attached to a Primary School - two classes for 2.5 hrs a day. One teacher and one NNEB. I do all of the planning alone - I currently plan for one focus a day (i.e. one adult led activity) and then set up each area with activities related to our topic. Today I felt like I was on a bit of a conveyor belt, trying my best to get all of the children to access my focussed activity without really spending quality time with them - which of course is what I should do! I suddenly …
by Guest- 15 replies
Encouraged to take more and more photos in the settings-what do you find the most economical way to print-diy ,in shops or posting off?
People Who Help Us.
by Guest- 2 replies
Any idea where i can get some good photos or the dreaded worksheets on emergency services. Dont need them for class (Reception) to do just as some info for an assignment/portfolio Thanks
Road Safety
by Guest- 0 replies
Does anyone follow a planned road safety programme in their school from Foundation to year 6? We do Right Start in Foundation and Year 1 and have previously done it in year 2. What does everyone do in Key Stage 2?
Where To Buy
by Guest- 3 replies
Any recomendations for where to buy craft stuff and paper,toys and baby equipment? Ta
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12845, -
Children's Folders
by Guest- 1 reply
hi all i was wondering if anyone had any great ideas for how to lay out children's folders and what to put in them. At the moment i have a photo page for each month then a observation then an example of the child's works we also have sheets for spontanius observations and we have core sheets to record what the children can and cant do. I feel this is not the best way to do it as it is time comsuming and the core sheets are not to the new frame work does anyone have any great ideas thanks Claire
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8623, -
Which Schema?
by Guest Wolfie- 29 replies
If a child enjoys activities such as putting toys into a container - Popoids into the bin, chalks into a bowl, etc. - which schema are they displaying...enveloping or transporting? I would have said "posting" but there doesn't seem to be one with that particular name! I've has a look at the descriptions on a couple of websites, including the Dorset one, but can't make up my mind!
Inspiration Needed
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi - I am re-posting this in the hope that somebody will come along with some inspiration for me!!! Thanks P.S - I am in nursery - 3-4 year olds. Thanks again xxxx i would be really grateful for any ideas and suggestions from you lovely people fro a lesson observation that i have next week (by our new headteacher). The focus is the writing aspect of CLL and our current topic is People Who Help Us (we have just finished 3 weeks of the post offfice unfortunatley!!!). I have a few ideas but am not sure if they are 'wow' enough!! I will be doing a 20 min focus activity with a group (13 chdn) & then a focus adult activity during child initiated time. Many thanks f…
Planning For The New Eyfs
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi, our setting is in the process of changing our planning sheets, but i feel we are thinking to complicatedand putting too much into them. I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions or ideas on what to include and what really does not need to be on there. I Would be very grateful for any help. Thanx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
Ofsted! Help!
by Guest- 8 replies
Hello everyone. I was told on Thursday that Ofsted are coming in on Tuesday to the Nursery and Reception. I am the nursery teacher and it is attached to a preparatory school. Does anyone have any specific advice. The classroom looks good and everything is labelled. My observations and planning are all in place....I just need further advice on what they will be looking for . xx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027,