Observation, Assessment and Planning
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My Indivial Play Plan Recoards
by Guest- 2 replies
Hiya again So i made an indivial play plan up for the 6 children i look after, which i think mos of you have seen I have also made an indivial play plan recoard sheet, on this i recoard the date, the activity the child is doing or did i then wirte a few comment about how the child did with the activity, like did he enjoy it dose he still need to do some more work on it etc. Then if there is any evidence for the activity like if you made took a picture of the exmaple i did one this week with a child where he drow a circle and some lines which was on his indivial play plan so i can put that in with it. but i may not have evidence for everything justt some things .…
My Play Plan
by Guest- 9 replies
Ok i have made mt first play plans up what do you think? i have also done a play plan review what do you think ? play_plan_1.doc play_plan_review.doc
Last reply by AnonyMouse_665, -
Leaver's Reports
by Guest- 8 replies
Hello, everyone! I manage a private pre-school where we take children from 2 years. It is getting to the end of term and I am thinking about what to give the parents when children leave. The majority of our leavers are leaving to go on to nursery in a school, where they will complete the foundation stage. In the past we have given parents a one or two page summary under the 6 headings of the areas of learning and have included with this pieces of work and observations/photos from the child's file. These summaries are obviously more detailed for those children that are going onto reception, but they follow the same format. In the past we also used to give a copy of…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Child Initiated Play Help!
by Guest- 13 replies
What a day I need some help and advise! I am becoming more reliant on the fsf to get all my information about current UK practice and being new to this year group I need your expertise to resolve a few issues. I am in a different situation, I work in an International school in Bangok and there are 5 nursery classes, all of us 5 teachers have different backgrounds and come from different places in the world. I am team leader and have muddled through the past few weeks with lots to deal with of lack of outside space, new resources held in an airport warehouse for 8 months, etc. and I still haven’t got to my point yet! Ok - for 90% of our children English is …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7474, -
Working Walls In Nursery
by Guest- 8 replies
My school is having a big push on using working walls to develop learning in Numeracy. I was wondering if anyone else used them in Nursery? Any ideas would be appreciated as Im not sure how to set one up!
- 7 replies
Just been told i can spend some money in a under resourced reception classroom and i wondered what resources could you not do without in your classroom and if you had a wish list what would you add to it? thanks ger
Diffrent Types Of Obsavations
by Guest- 4 replies
Hiya me again I need help on the diffrent kids of ways to obsave the children like time sample etc I need to do it for my nvq3 i need to show them i know how to do the diffrent ways the way what i do at the moment is i witre down and obsvation of them doing somthing and do the next step but i need to do other ways aswell
- 3 replies
I am looking to improve our child development records, part of this involves looking at children's starting points on entry. Currently we send out an 'All About Me' type questionaire, it mainly focusses on the care aspects like, does your child have a comforter, favourite toys etc. OFSTED are often picking up settings for not having more 'developmental' starting points. Does anybody have any ideas, or things they do for starting points?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_42775, -
Fsp Asessment Sheet
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi - have tried to do a forum search but to no avail as yet so thought i would post a request - does anybody ahve an updated FSP scale points overeview sheet (you know - the sort with the scale points listed on we can highlight) which has the new scale points in LSL on?? Would be really grateful for any pointers in the right direction as to where to track one down - if not it's a bit of typing for me before bedtime!!!!! Thanks in anticipation!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7441, -
Indvial Play Plans Help
by Guest- 2 replies
Hiya i need help on how to do Indervial play plans the things what you have to do every three months im a childminder and im doing my nvq3 ccld and we have to obsever a child over 6months etc and for that i need to do an Indervial play plans i dont really know how to do them i have a little idea so any help on how to do them would be great i have had a look around here and havent found anything yet so really i need to know how to do Indervial play plans what you put in them etc any help would be greatful