Observation, Assessment and Planning
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- 4 replies
my children are really interested in volcanoes... however, I am struggling to find ideas for teaching this as a mini-topic. We are currently doing paper mache volcanoes and we have done the experiments with flour, viniger, bicarb etc. The children loved this! but need more ideas... Thank you Rachel
Help Please!
by Guest- 13 replies
Ok, now I'm no mastermind but I do credit myself with some brain!!!I just can't get my head around planning. When Ofsted came in February everything was GOOD, but she commented on my planning not showing how I plan for child led play etc for foundation stage....been on a course which was titled 'Foundation stage planning' this really only went over the new framework due to come out next September. We have a Sure start mentor who has been promising to visit and help with my planning but keep coming up with different excuses and hasn't yet been......I'm a person that if something has to be done than I want to get on with it asap. Just wondering if anyone would be willi…
- 4 replies
HI has anyone got a Continuous Provision Sheet for Snack bar Pweeeeeeese
Eyfs Planning
by Guest- 9 replies
H. all I have just been reading the new EYFS looks good to me! I will be managing a new mixed aged setting 2 to 4years from September and dont know if I should start using the EYFS to plan from is anyone else using and if so have they planning formats?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6541, -
Recording Development 0 - 24 Months
by Guest- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hello everyone. This is my first go at posting a topic, so hope it gets through! I would like to introduce my staff to a new procedure for recording the development of our babies & toddlers using a digital camera. I plan to start in the babies' room. Has anyone experience of doing this? I would welcome any advice or suggestions, including how you cover confidentiality/child protection issues & so on. I would also like any examples of paperwork used for recording photographic evidence in line with the Birth to Three framework. How did you 'sell' the topic to the staff? Did you do an audit on technological skills? What support did they need? Is ther…
by Guest- 3 replies
I manage a small pre-school, we are planning to form a Partnership Foundation Stage Unit with the school in September and would welcome any help and advice! The children will be on the school register in the mroning- we have offered wrap around care so they will be on the pre-school register in the afternoon. We also offer lunch club. How do other people organise their day? If you offer lunch do you ask that the children stay for a certain number? Some children are only going to stay for one lunch and no wrap around. We don't want to be used as a 'convenience' yet we need all the revenue we can get! Hope that all makes sense! Thank you in advance, Rose
Continous Provision
by Guest- 2 replies
I am currently developing my long term and medium term planning. I am dividing up into highlighted areas which ELG's we cover in regard to observing, focused activities and continuous provision. Could someone point out a few of the ELG's which I could high light through continuous provision just to get me started. I found the other areas much easier to do. Thanks Mandie x
Medium Term Planning
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi just wondered if anyone could offer me guidance on medium term planning. How do other settings keep track of which ELG's you have covered. Do you highlight them on the actual planning document? I have seen long term planning with all the goals divided up over the course of one year in some settings. I can't understand how this can be done, surely you cannot anticipate where the children will be developmentally. We quite often use our observations to revisit activities and therefore feel this would not be relevant to us. Is there a simple way of deciding which goals to cover? would really appreciate some help -many thanks again! mandie
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1490, -
by Guest- 18 replies
Hi Everyone, Its been a long time since i visited but i need help!!! A few years ago at nursery we bought a net butterfly house and it came with 5 caterpillars which the children observed as they turned into butterflies. Does anyone haveany idea where i can get these from? Thank you inadvance for any help
Foundation Stage Baseline Assessment
by Guest Wolfie- 19 replies
It seems that more and more combined Ofsted inspections (in the PVI sector) are focussing heavily on studying assessment data of the Foundation Stage children, i.e. they aren't just looking at individual children's files to find out how their progress is being observed, assessed, documented and linked to planning but are also asking for "group data" - at what levels are the children when they come to you and at what level are they when they leave? Do any of you carry out formal basline assessments at the beginning of the Foundation Stage? I'm aware that all maintained settings are required to do so but am I right in thinking that this practice is not so widespread in…