Observation, Assessment and Planning
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Planning - How Long Should It Take?
by Guest- 24 replies
Hi I have general planning query. The last girl who did my job did all the plans for the week in under 2 hours! After doing all the daily activities (10 with extensions and differentiations) the medium term at the start of the month. The overview for the week with all equipment and ELG's, reviewed the observations I am running at nearly 4 hours! I only get paid for 2 and before approaching the owner about this thought I would find out how long it tool everyone else. This time does not include all the sheets and other resources I produce in my own time. I know teachers get 4 hours non contact is this correct? - thanks x
- 12 replies
I have had quite a few parents whose children start school in september saying things like 'she cant write her name yet', 'he cant read' etc etc '. I have photocopied a brilliant article from the EYE magazine about transistion and what we as practitioners should be doing, it mentions mostly personal social and emotional and nothing about writing, reading etc etc (which I obviously knew but they dont!), so I thought of giving parents a copy of the article but I was wondering what other settings do, do you have a leaflet or set of notes you give to them or does your feeder schools do that? Thank you in advance. jenni
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Great Photo Site
by Guest- 15 replies
photos and intro to a variety of faiths Peggy
Pe Planning/ideas
by Guest- 8 replies
In the past I have only done Reception Age PE, and now I am teaching Nursery and was wondering what the difference would be. I would be really grateful if people would let me see their planning, and/or just give examples of what you do for each area - gym, dance, etc. I am working in an international school, so have little resources to help me and would appreciate any guidance I could get Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
- 9 replies
Hi Does anyone know where I can obtain a draft copy of the new foundation stage profile as I know one has been put together and piloted in certain areas. Thank You
- 5 replies
We have a 2yr and 3 yr child assessment sheet, covering simple tasks such as can catch a ball etc, can speak clearly- They are quite long winded and Ive been looking through some of the childrens files some havent even been completed- the keyworker said she doesnt get time- wondering whether others use this type of assessment?
Importance Of Observation/evaluation
by Guest- 8 replies
Could anyone share any research, examples, poems, on the importance/reason for recording observations of children. I know I've read various postings on the Forum which demonstrate the benefits of observing (I've got the one about the child who painted black over his painting because it was night time). I'd like more similar examples to show to new (unqualified) staff who don't seem to grasp the importance of observation (or can't be bothered to do them!) as i want to produce a guide to/importance of observation, type leaflet. Working in DN 2-4 year olds. All responses greatly appreciated. Thanks in anticipation. Sam
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Working With Boys
by Guest- 13 replies
Just arrived back from a course with Ali McClure on Making it Better for boys. Its great when every now and again you find a course that gives you the WOW factor. This certainly was one of them. Having a very high percentage of 4 year olds and two teenage boys I decided that I needed to go on this course to learn some strategies for dealing with both these areas. It was so interesting, did you know that at 14 testosterone (scuse spelling) levels in boys rise by 800% - yes, thats right 800% - can you imagine how this must feel - PMT fails into insignificance. Of course the other surge is at 4 and although we all know this - understanding the brain development alon…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
by Guest- 23 replies
Hi everone we are a small committee run preschool with 20 2-4 yr olds .We clear the toys away at 10.30.do the weather board and wash handsthen we all sit down for snacktime together.I have been told that Ofsted like you to have a snack bar that the children can go to when they wish so this does not interupt their play. I feel very strongly that it is important for us all to sit together and talk and eat together,as Family meal times seem to be a thing of the past.We also have children try new foods because they see others eating it so they try it too.We and our parent committee want to keep it as it is. Any views would be very welcome.Or if you use a snack bar system how…
- 10 replies
Hi Guys After being inpsired with Sues article on Motivational Planning I bit the bullet and off we went, walls seem very bare but we are getting there! I have a few questions can anyone help please? We are a full day care nursery We have interests sheets from our EYDCP where we record what the children are doing throughout the day these are then gathered up and this is where our planning comes from for the next day. We are finding this hard planning for the following day, does anyone have any suggestions do you think its possible to plan a week in advance? Also we tend to have the same children apprearing on the sheets all the time, do you pick certain ch…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732,