Observation, Assessment and Planning
2,787 topics in this forum
Fire Story
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi JUst wondered if anybody knew of a good story that i could link in with the fire service apart from fireman sam.
- 9 replies
Hi am new to to the forum and not sure what iam doing yet i have moved from the foundation stage to BTTM not to sure about planning and assesments has anyone got any tips to help am tearing my hair out
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
Building Theme
by Guest- 5 replies
Does anyone have any ideas for a buildings topic? I've run out of inspiration X
- 4 replies
Hi everyone we are learning about snow,polar bears and penguins as a topic has anyone any ideas? we are a preschool agea 2-5 so we need to cover all ages. We have got Ice in the freezer and some polar bears and penguins but need craft ides and story ideas.Please help thankyou
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
- 2 replies
Hi, I have got my assembly soon and would like to do it on growing plants. I was thinking about Jack and the Beanstalk. Does anyone have any great ideas. Much appreciated.
Taking Assessment Profiles Home
by Guest- 18 replies
I have spent a few days at my new setting, although i dont start in an official capacity until after the Feb half term. I asked the team how they currently update their assessment profiles. I was told that all the keyworkers have their children's profiles in their homes and they take home their observations and update them there. The sessions finish four days a week at 12.15 but we have access to the hall until 1pm. On Mondays the session runs all day from 9.30 until 3.30. I always thought that chidlrens assessment profiles had to be kept on the premises in a secure filing cabinet, there is a filing cabinet in secure cuboard which could be used for this purpose. A…
Observation Confidentiality
by Guest- 12 replies
Staff have been asking if it is Ok to put photos in a childs observation book if there is a photo of another child in the scene. Also when writing observations is it Ok to put- for example - 'josh talked to Ben and then took the teapot off him and walked away' (where Josh is the observed child and Ben is involved in the exchange). My response was yes, it is OK, as long as no names are used to label other children in photos, records never go further than parents in the setting (eg no internet display) and no surnames of the other chn are used in observation notes. In this PC day and age was that the right response? Thanks in advance (I hope!)
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Children Evaluating Their Own Work
by Guest- 9 replies
My pre-school room are keen to try out some ways to get children to evaluate and review the work/activities they have done. Does anyone have any tried and tested ideas please?
- 1 reply
Hi I work as a nursery teacher in a primary school. The reception teacher and I are considering changing the way in which we organise/store our observations and record ongoing achievement of the points on the profile. At the moment we are using somthing that originates from the LA but is not compulsory, where we stick observations next to the individual profile points. We are considering a commercial format or simply an exercise book to record observations and photographs etc - so those observations that achieve a number of profile points don't have to be copied out a number of times and builds more of a holistic picture. I would be interested to know what other peopl…
Foundation Stage Help Wanted
by Guest- 2 replies
would any one be kind enough to show me an example of there planing and daily routine. i work in a private nursery but have children who just attend 9 till 11.30 for nursery grant ashley.kirsopp@yahoo.co.uk THANKS IN ADVANCE
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735,