Observation, Assessment and Planning
2,787 topics in this forum
- 8 replies
Hi Did some catch up reading over Christmas, read in one of nursery magazines (Practical Pre-School or Under Fives) about a DVD available from DfES which I thought could be something we could watch as a staff at a staff meeting, if I remember correctly it contained information on schemas etc and the jacket covers states ' a film to inform and inspire you' aimed at Early years practitioners, managers and headteachers. Anyway it's arrived today, haven't watched it as yet, just thought others might be interested and should post a topic before I get bogged down in the paperwork of the day!!!! It is Celebrating young children and those who live and work with th…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 4 replies
Hi Need to check the contingency we hold for redundancy payments - heaven forbid - is still correct but cannot find the online calculator on the hmrc site. I know I originally got it from this site (where else) but cannot find it on a search of the forum posts. Can anybody help? Think either Linda or Inge brought it to my attention initially. Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Dora Explorer Any Ideas
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi we are about to do a topic about Dora explorer and her friend Diego to go with our travelling and holiday theme.Has any one got any ideas .i would be very gratefull.We are also doing a topic on water
- 6 replies
hi everyone the children in my nursery hardly ever use the maths area we have put lots of maths resources around the nursery. if we move say the maths table and put somthing else into the space will ofsted mark us down for not having a maths area. whatever way does anyone have any ideas for making this area more attractive for the children. we have tried posters,dangling things from the ceiling and have attractive displays.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2846, -
- 11 replies
hi I visited a nursery recently which has a teaching vacancy. They described their planning as completely based on the children's interests, and done on a weekly basis. At present I teach in a reception class where the planning is topic based, and I feel that planning based on the children's interests would enhance learning much more than topic based. But I do have a few logistical questions, probably some which are a little obvious, but I would welcome some expertise from someone who has tried and tested this system. On a day to day basis, how does it work, obviously there are some times which can't be planned for eg, finding a snail in the outdoor area, e…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
January Blues!
by Guest- 7 replies
Hello! This is my first post! I'm not sure whether anyone else feels the same, but I tend to find this time of year the hardest to plan for! December is always so full of activities and there is always PLENTY to do that when you get to January you have a bit of a mental block! However, I have decided to do a 6 week topic on Favourite books. Does anyone have any suggestions or good websites which have acticvities and ideas which link with all the curriculum areas? Goldilocks and the Three Bears is a good one but struggling to come up with others.... Thank you in advance!
- 5 replies
Hi, have searched the forum and found some planning ideas for a water topic but wondered if anyone out there had some planning they would be willing to share? It is for next half term so only 5 weeks and we are visiting the sea life centre in week 3 so want to build to that. Hoping to use Mrs wishy washy and the rainbow fish plus commotion in the ocean and mr gumpy. anyone got any better ideas? Thanks in advance, Sue
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2846, -
- 1 reply
Hi i am stuggling to get started with the Seal pack does anyone have any suggestions to plan and use this resoures please
- 50 replies
Whoo hoo!!! We did it! My manager and myelf managed to convince the Directors that we could get through Ofsted with a planning system not based on Topics, and totally based on following the children's lead. For months now we've been plugging away at it, but at last we've managed to do it! We've put a lot of work in sorting out the new formats and there's still lots to be done in the way of 'tweaking', but we're on the way. Our nursery (DN) is trialling it over the traditional long summer break, then in September the other nursery is coming on board (subject to success, of course ). It'll mean a lot of work training and supporting the staff across the two nurser…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
- 0 replies
Hi I have just been filling in my own focus actitiy plan to cover a portfolio task in PDM1 for my FDey course. Oh my goodness I have rembered how to plan an activity for the 3-5's using the FSC, I had forgotten how to plan for this age group, as I am now more confident using BTT having had short courses recently. I knew I could do it. Beth
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6361,